Full Name: Jaime Lynn Curtis
Birthday: april 30th
Birth Place: Columbus, Ohio
Home: Buford, Ga.
Eyes: brown
Hair/Hair Color: kinda short, curly, red/brown
What is your zodiac sign: taurus
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend; if so who?: yes, corey <23
Do you have a crush; if so who?: just my corey
Have you ever been in love?: i am
A song that describes your life?: no idea
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? in a perfect marriage.
Future sons name?: no clue
Future daughters name?: emilya
***************HAVE U EVER***************
Broken the Law?: i'm sure
Run away from home?: nope
Ever cheated on a test?: yes
Had a medical emergency?: yes
***************DO U BELIEVE IN***************
Love at first sight? definetly
Aliens?: possibly
Horoscopes?: no
***************WHICH IS BETTER****************
Mud or jelly wrestling: i haven't done either
White or milk chocolate?: white
Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
Roller coasters- deadly or exciting: exciting--especially the superman
***************WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME U*************** Fractured something?: neva
Cried?: monday night
Got a real letter?: the other day from my emmie :)
***************WHAT IS*****************
Your most prized and important possession?: my pictures
The worst song you ever heard?: not sure
First thing you think about when you wake up?: i don't think What on your mouse pad?: i dont have one Favorite number?: don't have one
What's on your bedroom walls?: hee, well i JUST painted it apple red, and the theme is strawberry shortcake...i just got my sheets in the mail today and i'm so excited! so...strawberry shortcake stuff, and most important--mine and corey's picture <23
What do you wear in bed? pajama pants and a blink 182 hoodie <23
What is the worst thing you've done in life?: made an 800 on the SAT's
Relative?: Emmie
TV show?: the simple life-haha...and family guy <23
Shampoo?: dove
Book?: rules of attraction <23
Magazine?: none
Thing to do on the Weekend?: hang out with corey
Band or Group?: Mxpx, Brand New, Across Five Aprils, Underoath, Andrew W.K.
Movie?: the sandlot, the rules of attraction
If you could have any job in the world what would it be?: special ed teacher or forensic pathologist
***************DO YOU***************
Get motion sickness?: nope
Get along with your parents?: most of the time
Like to drive?: i'd love it more if i had a car already
Sleep with a stuffed animal?: a shirt <23
Drink or Smoke?: ive done both
Who is your biggest crush right now?: corey <23 if u call it a crush...
Who do you go to for advice? Emmie, Lisa, Corey
Believe in Reincarnation?: no
Consider yourself a good listener, speaker, shoulder to cry on? definetly.
Jaime Lee