I finished my forearm! Someday it will be a full sleeve, but for now, I've at least got this part of it done. What follows is an account of November 11th, 2006's exciting adventure of the tattoo, known as the "Tattoo Adventure that was Exciting," starring myself, Laz, and Mel (you can click on the thumbnails to see the full images).
It started, as all Saturdays do, with Christian and Laz walking and talking, and the camera-busy Mel taking photos.
Laz: Why, Christian my good fellow, I do believe it is a spanking day for a finished tattoo!
Christian: Indubitably!
Mel: Jolly good show, old chums! But first, let us break our fasts briefly at the local non-meat eatery!
Laz: Capital!
Christian: How grand!
Mel: Yes, three cheers for Mel the Magnificent!
Christian & Laz: Hip-hip-huzzah!
And with that, we headed to the car, off to Grasshopper Restaurant and asian-vegan harmony!
Laz: I say, I do believe that is a transient driving a shopper's carriage along the road!
Christian: My word, do you think by chance he's lost his way?
Mel: Mayhaps we should offer him a ride to his destination?
Laz: Heavens no, my good lass! Suppose his manner were barbarous, and unfit to ride in an automovehicle!
Christian: Why Laz, old chap, do you suggest that his countenance be ill for no other reason than that of his misfortunation?
Mel: Verily, young Lazarus, do I sense in you an unjust prejudicology?
Laz: My good friends, I mean only to infer that this vagabond be strange to me--were I more familiar with his personism, I might indeed grant him passage!
Christian: Satisfactory!
Mel: Acceptable!
After a short drive, we parked and sat down for our Vegan delights.
Mel: This is truly a fine restaurantorium.
Christian: Indeed, and I am so anxious to ingest its cuisine that I believe I have a case of the quivers!
Laz: Calm your body's protestations with this delightful tea!
Mel: Yes, tea, quite!
Christian: I do enjoy a warm cup of tea!
Laz: Now I believe that I have the laugher's affliction, so great is my happiness for such tea!
As we left the restaurant after our lunch, we headed back to the car, but not before making some new friends.
Mel: This young pictographical gent has some interesting ideas...and a handsome frame to boot!
Laz: Excuse me, my good gentlecompatriots, but might you be informed as to the atomic size and weight of the hydrogen atom, in relation to its friend, the oxygen atom?
Christian: Yes, my friendly companion and I have a wager as to the viability of a filterized bubble for transit over oceanic masses!
Guy #1: You mean...a floating hamster ball?
Laz: ...rather.
Guy #2: Well, it's definitely possible, but you'd need the bubble itself to have electric filters, because it's by that process that hydrogen and oxygen are separated--and you have to make sure that the oxygen then bonds with itself in order to make O2, because an oxygen atom by itself would be a radical, and unhappy...
Christian: ...really...
Laz: ...why...thank you...we'll be off.
Mel: Good day, sirs!
Finally, we were on the road and headed up to Oceanic Tatau in Seabrook, New Hampshire!
Mel: This scenery is rather inspired!
Christian: Not truthful!
Laz: Untruthworthy!
Mel: Such was my playful fib, my gullible rubes!
Christian: Caught again by your rapier wit, my friend!
Laz: I will endeavor to be only an erstwhile rube henceforth--let us all partake in the fine joviality of this circumstance!
Mel, Christian & Laz: Hah-hah-hah!
When we first arrived at the tattoo shop, Laz and Mel took a look at some of the more terrible flash that was on every wall.
Laz: Gracious--though there is nary a face in sight, that tongue licks with the voracity of one hundred starving savages!
Mel: By some arcane magics, I believe it is the tongue of a fell poltergeist!!
Laz: Let us rejoin our tattooed friend in company!
Mel: Posthaste!
After greeting Trevor Marshal, my favorite and only tattoo artist, we quickly got down to business. My plan was to get a graywork design that had been added to my original forearm piece (started just over a year ago) reworked in order to show a gradation from lightest to darkest, starting at my wrist and ending at my elbow, respectively.
Christian: It is indeed a fine day to be tattooed! Wouldn't you agree, my most-favored of tattoo concessionists?
Trevor: Yeah...sure. And your friends are...?
Mel: By your leave sir, I am Lady Melanien Turnerton of Allstontown!
Laz: And I am Sir Lazaruf Valentinian Morrisine of Somervillage, by way of Sullivan Corner!
Trevor: ...
Christian: Pay their boisterousness little heed, my fine vendor, for it is your honor that commands both their vim and vigor!
Trevor: Maybe they can go find something to do in the area...
Christian: You've done it again, Trevor! But by what means might they seek entertainmentivity...?
Laz: My old nonny used to tell me tales of splendid orchards full to the brim with apples in this fair town of Seabrookton--is it true? Prithee say it is!
Christian: Yes Laz, my nanakins told me the very same...and she was a truthteller indeed.
Trevor: ...you just go up the highway a block or two. You're not gonna find any apples this time of year, though...it's more likely the hillbillies will find you instead.
Laz: By Jove, that is a risk we will take! Are you with me, Lady Turner?
Mel: ...I say...hillbillies...!
Christian: Mel, you must listen to what I say now with utmost carefullity: if, by ill fate, you do encounter the hillbillions of Seabrookton, you must seek out the Light of Anganor, which resides in storage within a compartment by the driver's wheel of Laz's vehiclemobile. Shine this holy light upon the retches of the apple grove, and they will return to their unwholesome netherworld...
So Mel and Laz headed off to look for apples, bringing Mel's camera with them. Basically, Trevor was right about their being no apples, but luckily there were plenty of...pumpkins...
Laz: Thank graciousness the hillbillites fear the light of daytime--and thanks doubly for these most appetizing squashes!
Mel: And behold these beautific crates!
Laz: Oh Melanie, you are quite a card, but must I remind you that I will not be your rube twice?
Mel: Verily, I have met my match!
When they saw that apple season was over, Mel and Laz decided to go exploring, and found a cool little tobacco shop.
Laz: Why, this tobacconist looks to be authentic! Let us make our ingress.
Tobacconist: Good day, my fine young consumerists! Might I interest you in my wares?
Laz & Mel: Quite!
Shortly after Laz and Mel got back, Trevor finished my forearm, which I am so entirely happy with (I'll put up some better photos soon):
Laz: Splendiferous!
Mel: Gloriousitous!
Christian: I am simultaneously both prudent and fashionable!
And then we headed home!