my short introduction

Aug 28, 2014 17:59

hello hello LiveJournal world! this is my first entry. it's kinda late to me to post an entry, because I joined LJ from 2 months ago. hehehe. I just too lazy to write an entry in my LJ because my first target after i join LJ is downloading all arashi video :D
first of all, I'll tell you my name (even you don't want to really know about me) name is Herwin Kanugrahani. Herwin is a collab name between my father's name and my mother's name and Kanugrahani means God always bless me. when I write this intro, my age is 19 yo. and now, I study at Sebelas Maret University, Central Java, Indonesia. I'm kinda hate my college life because it's so boring and tough. i prefer my high school life than my college life. but, life must go on, right? i hope i can finish my study quickly and find a job and life happily ever after (sounds like a cinderella story). the biggest reason i join LJ because Arashi. I want to download all their vs, music show, concert by myself. it's hard to find their subbed videos outside LJ. fuuuh....okay, i must stop until here. bye bye!


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