Oh Meme Roth. You are such a nutjob. Actually, I don't want to call you that, because since I'm mentally interesting myself, you give the rest of us a bad name. I see that you're up to your old tricks, but at least this time you're not equating food with rapists, so I hope you've learned something, but I bet you haven't.
www.nytimes.com/2009/06/16/nyregion/16bigcity.html Seriously. Lady, I understand that you want your kids to eat nutritious healthy food. I get it. And I applaud you for it. It's not like I don't think that there is too much junk food out there, and that it's mostly marketed towards kids. That shit isn't right.
But to police everyone? Even kids that aren't yours? You fucking STOLE ICE CREAM TOPPINGS from an ice cream party that wasn't even in your house, it was at the YMCA. That is not the behavior of a normal person.
I feel bad for your children, because you are teaching them to not like food. It's fine for yourself, you're an adult. But your kids? I imagine mealtimes in your household to be a joyless state of affairs, somewhat akin to maybe Oliver Twist but without the tasty gruel.
Your actions and your statements are that of someone who is obsessed with food. Maybe because you need to eat some? I'm not sure.
I feel bad for you as well. But that doesn't mean that I think that excuses your actions. It doesn't. You're hateful towards the fat, and you're not a healthcare professional wherein you can diagnose diabetes by looking at someone. Guess what? Not even a doctor can do that. And sometimes even the healthcare professionals are fucked up. You have a cold? Oh, that's because you're fat. Really? Fat? And not germs? Hmmm. Interesting. (Yes, this actually happened to someone I know.)
Anyways, my point is, please see a therapist. And stop sucking the joy out of food for your kids. It's not nice.