Home inspection follies...

Oct 12, 2011 15:25

So the buyer finally arranges the home inspection. We get the report. I haven't seen it yet, but to say my wife is livid would be a monumental understatement.

Among the gems was the characterization of the dryer as "aged" (I think meaning "will need repair or replacement within five years"). The dryer was installed in August. Or was it July. New.

If the inspector can't get that right, how can we trust other evaluations? Really.

I suspect that the response to a number of items will be "and your point is?" Is the appliance in working order?



Now I've had a chance to read the report. Can you say sloppy? Can you say "can't spell simple words"? Words like "caulk" and "deferred". Can't tell the difference between swollen drywall and nail pops?

The number of details that are wrong is amazing. Yeah, he called out some legitimate things, but the quantity of bovine fecal matter is astonishing.

The short form is that we need the chimney cleaned (no surprise there). The sump pump doesn't. I need to do a bit of work tacking down some loose siding and trim painting. Nothing drastic.

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