Ah, the sounds of cash registers ringing. Makes you really appreciate the holidays.
Can you feel the sarcasm?
Anyways, aside from breathing in huge amounts of glitter at one job and having to deal with the sadness of store closings at my other, I have found myself with a little time on my hands. You know, more time than I usually do. As lately I've taken to letting Twitter post here for lack of anything else, I'm a bit perplexed as to finding this wonderful little pocketful of time in which to sit and collect my thoughts and write.
Lately all I've had time to do is read on breaks, get some Farmville time in really late at night and write a little here and there. As
zale is currently sleeping and I have wrapped all but one present in the house (I even wrapped one of my own!) I have absolutely not fucking clue what to do with myself.
I caught up on some DVR'ed stuff, got a chance to watch Alice, before it sat on there for a month. I must say, I am really loving the guy who plays Hatter. Yummy. And recording some Big Bang to watch tomorrow morning before work as per regular schedule. I am so like Sheldon in that way, Tuesday mornings equal Big Bang. No ifs, ands or buts.
Perhaps I'll go update my Facebook group. I really need to make another one for the Trickster series. Oh, speaking off a few humorous Photoshop pics I made for
robgoodfella with the covers of two of her books.
Comments from
robgoodfella via her tweets:
Rob_Thurman You absolutely rock! Here's a flash of Cal on one occasion in Book Six @
ThePinkEgoBox http://twitpic.com/rgvat - For @
Rob_Thurman Rob_Thurman Okay. Pissed my pants on that one! @
ThePinkEgoBox http://twitpic.com/skrtj - @
Rob_Thurman Cal Leandros and Spongebob duke it out.