Yes, I live!

May 22, 2012 17:37

Go figure it takes me losing my Internet to actually want to get back on LiveJournal again. At least I have Internet via my phone, plus I can talk to my phone and it will type for me. Not always correctly but it types... 
So for a quick update, I've had my baby. Bishop Tyler, 7lbs 11oz. Born April 20th. Getting the hang of life with a small child. Hopefully I'll get back into writing soon. Not having the Internet as a distraction helps. Although living with attention deficit disorder I will always find something to distract myself with, case in point, staring at the various small animals that seem to be inhabiting my downstairs neighbors front yard/my backyard. What can I say, I find the chipmunks and baby rabbits entertaining.
Coming up on a very exciting month this next month, we have my birthday, my mothers birthday, Matt Bellamy's birthday, and Chrissy's birthday. She and Orson will also be visiting at the end of the month.
Seeing as I've forgotten why I originally started this post I think a quick update will be it, so yes, I am still alive.

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