Aug 01, 2011 15:32
So I need to change some stuff on here. I am no longer a Retail Goddess. HUZZAH! NO MORE FUCKING RETAIL!
Granted now I take inventory on all the retail in New Jersey.. but whatevs.. I show up, count shit and book it back home again. Its awesome.
Lets see, things I have to do today before I have to go to bed at the ridiculous hour of 8:30 so I can be up at 4am..
Laundry (wash/dry/put away)
Grab foodstuffs for breakfast/lunch
Fill all the water bottles
Fix the rubber tubing and wiring on my car
Cat litter
Re-pot roses
Re-pot polka dot plant
Tidy up my journal (any ideas for a new title?)
Burn Big Lots work uniform
Wow.. see, this is why I make lists.. I can see just how much shit I still have to do.. But this week is like, insane as far as work goes, I have a 6am ShopRite inventory tomorrow and Wednesday and then an inventory at 9pm at Borders. BTW.. Wednesday i have to go an hour north in the morning, come home, then go an hour south in the evening. @_@