My tweets

Feb 09, 2011 07:20

  • Tue, 16:48: Thanks stomach, I hate you too. I don't need the reminder.
  • Tue, 18:28: I seriously question the intelligence of people today. "These romance books are all fiction right?"
  • Tue, 19:29: @ mill1onstar key lime pie, but only if its yellow and has merenge, not whipped cream. Ask.
  • Tue, 19:38: Goddess, save me from fools. Today is one of those days where I am surprised if a customer has more than two brain cells to rub together.
  • Wed, 01:15: the banana is surprisingly relevent to our D&D game
  • Wed, 05:23: Distracting a fellow d&d player with pictures of matt and dom. Oh fun!


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