Daily Twitterage (as I am currently bite-sized)
- 08:01 @ miss_ariake thank you! #
- 08:51 If you hear an atomic blast in about an hour, don't worry. It's just Susan laying waste to Men's Warehouse for screwing up the entire order. #
- 09:18 Breakfast! twitpic.com/257brw #
- 10:53 @ SyntonicMemory thanks! It's pure chaos today #
- 14:39 Hair done. Sitting in Atlanta Bread Company getting food. I stand out so much. #
- 14:42 Still not dressed. Getting food. twitpic.com/259tvf #
- 15:15 Flowers! twitpic.com/25a2g8 #
- 17:54 I'm officially Mrs. Jessica Iaquilino! #
- 18:35 @ HAARPy_Kelaino thanks! #
- 21:54 Perfect end to the reception, dancing to Lady Gaga in the pouring rain! #
- 21:55 @ labmama04 thanks love! #
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