So like a year ago, I won a board game down at OrcCon called Descent. It's a top-notch dungeon crawl game, like an old school RPG, but without the roleplay, just boiled down to a small unit tactics game in a dungeon, with an adversarial GM.
While I do have a few complaints about it, it's largely a very well designed game.
Now, they JUST released a third expansion for the game, which I was just reading about. This has the potential to turn a good game which has garnered me some enjoyment, into a really amazingly awesome game, on such a scale that I'd be tempted to set up a regular weekly game night to play it.
Essentially, this adds a really in-depth campaign mode to the game. They add a world map, with a pile of different towns and dungeons, random encounters, and all the wonderful adventuring goodness of a good oldschool D&D game, but setup as a strategy game instead of an actual roleplaying game.
So, it's a $50 set, which is not bad. It's not specifically mentioned anywhere whether the previous two expansions are required, which leads me to assume that they probably aren't.
See the details
here at Unfortunately, it's too new a release to have any actual reviews, but thus far it has a rating 9.59 out of 10.
Edit: In order to follow up on this a bit more, I decided to register for an account at Board Game Geek. It seems to be a really cool and generally well regarded website. Unfortunately, it seems I'm not allowed to have an account, because I'm not human. It uses one of those garbled word things to prove that you're human, and it refuses to accept my answers! I've tried probably a hundred times, and I'm quite positive that the vast majority of my attempts were correct, but every time, with absolute consistency, it tells me my answer is incorrect. Quite frustrating.