Oct 18, 2006 22:49
I'm at Lestat's right now, taking a break from studying for my epidemiology midterm. Lestat's is probably my favorite study spot in SD right now; open 24hrs (how appropriate), awesome staff, nummy goodies, and an interesting alternative/goth/cooky crowd make it a fun place to be. Free wifi and internet access is always a bonus as well.
I spent all afternoon cleaning because apparently my roommate didn't think his fiancee coming down to visit was a good enough reason to clean up after himself O_o; Although, I realize I have different views regarding the reception of guests. If anyone comes to visit me, then I clean like crazy because to me it is a gesture of respect and welcoming to have your guest stay in a clean place =O
Speaking of roommates, I'm not sure I can handle living with my roommate next year; I seem to have a string of luck that dictates any man named Matt that I live with will not pay me back and will require cleaning after (funnily, this only happens with me; they act differently with other people O_o; Then again I do bring it on myself, and they are nice blokes otherwise) I don't mind the cleaning but as I already have 3 geriatric cats who seem to be forgetting how to use the litter box in their advancing senility, I hadn't anticipated another body to pick up after. But, he does accept living with three cats, so I am loathe to complain to him.
Enough complaining for me! Thank you everyone so much for your kind birthday wishes and singing and cards =D I haven't had the chance to open my gifts yet as I've been so busy, but you will most likely know when I do XD
NY people, I am looking forward to seeing you this weekend =D TX people, have fun at Onicon; I do hope that you get your Amano fill!