[] you wear flip flops all year
[] you call flip flops thongs not flip flops
[] you love a backyard barbie
[x] you know a barbie is not a doll
[x] you love the beach
[ ] you're a sports fanatic
[ ] you are tan
[ ] you're a bit of a bogan
[ ] you have an Australian something
Total= 2
[] the Sopranos is a great show.
[x] your last name ends in a vowel.
[] your grandmother makes her own sauce.
[ ] you know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] you know a lot of italian songs.
[x] you have dark hair and/or dark eye color
[] you speak some italian.
[x] you are under 5'10''.
[x] pasta is the best food in the world.
Total= 4
[] you say member instead of Remember
[x] you speak a little spanish
[] You love tacos.
[] you TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[] you know what a Bodega is.
[] you talk fast.
[] you have highlights
Total= 1
[] you say villian as: Vee-lon
[] you can get short tempered
[x] you know of sombody named natasha
[] white skinned
[] you get cold easily
[] snow is fun for you
[ ] you get into contests often
[]You can easily make thru with the cold weather
Total= 1
[ ] you think beer is the best
[] you have a bad temper.
[] Your last name starts with a Mc OR Murph or O' or Fitz or ends with a ley/ly,on,un,EN,an,RY,ny.
[x] you have blue or green eyes.
[x] you like the color green.
[] you have been to a st.pattys day party.
[] you have a family member from Ireland
[] you are very loud
[x] you are a happy person
Total = 3
[ ] you like rap
[ ] you talk with slang
[] you know how to shoot a gun.
[] you like chicken
[x] you like watermelon
[] you can dance
[] you can sing gospel
Total= 1
[] you have slanty eyes
[x] you like rice a lot
[Everyone's extremely smart about something!] you are extremely smart.
[] you play the piano
[] you have family from an asian country
[x] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[ ] most people think you're chinese/japanese
[x] you call hurricanes typhoons (sometimes)
[ ] you go to Baulko
[x] you know how to speak (or know a bit of) an asian language
Total= 4
[x] you like bread
[x] you think American Chocolate would be better with less Sugar
[x] you drink your coke without ice
[] you Speak a little German
[x] you know what Schnitzel is (ja!)
[x] you hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[x] you went to Kindergarten/Pre-school
[x] you are 5'4" or at least over 5'4"
Total = 7
[x] you can start laughing out of no where
[x] you laugh with a high pitch
[] you have to ask someone how to spell Polish
[] you have a round shaped head
[x] you have dark brown, or blonde hair
[ ] you get very tan in the summer
[x] you know that your not called Polish your called a Polak
[x] you are at least 5'5 or taller .
[ ] play a sport
Total = 5
[]you like/play/played ice hockey
[] you love maple syrup
[] You say eh
[] you know what poutine is
[] you speak some french
[] you love Tim Horton
[ ] at one point you lived in the country
[x] you have watched degrassi
Total= 1
[x]You believe deep down in the First Amendment, guaranteed by the government and perhaps by God.
[x]You're familiar with David Letterman, Mary Tyler Moore, Saturday Night Live, Bewitched, the Flintstones, Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, Bob Newhart, Bill Cosby, Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Donald Duck, the Fonz, Archie Bunker, Star Trek, the Honeymooners, the Addams Family, the Three Stooges, and Beetle Bailey.
[]You know how baseball, basketball, and American football are played.
[ ]You don't care that much for soccer.
[x]The date comes second: 11/22/63.
[ ]You know all about college and follow college sport religously.
[ ]American english IS the correct english - you made it what it is today.
[x]Fuck yeah.
Total= 4
[]You are familiar with Jean-Pierre Foucauld, Perdu de vue, Lagaf' (for you, the best successor to Coluche), Christophe Dechavanne, Jean-Luc Delarue, Nagui, Patrick Sebastien, Patrick Sabatier, Michel Drucker, Jacques Martin, Mystères, La Chance aux Chansons....
[]A bathroom definitely does not have a toilet in it. Toilets are to be found in Toilettes or W.C. (Water Closet).
[x]You find Americans ridiculous, if not stupid or dangerous, with their primary reflex to sue whenever they can get away with it, even if it is their fault.
[ ]World War II was a quite troubled time for the country, and France has not still gotten past this era. The US helped us to rebuild the country, generously, but in fact, they were no philanthropists.
[]The biggest meal of the day is at noon.
[x]You know how to properly pronounce all the famous designer brands such as Luis Vuitton, and you laugh mrcilessly at a stupid foreigner who can't.
[]You make jokes about Belgians
[]You drink a lot of wine and smoke many a ciggarette.
[ ]You love football and still hate Italy from the world cup
[x]You know half of the world already hates you because you are french, but you don't care because you hate them all.
Total = 3
So, Trav and Aaron tried to get me to camp with them in the Walmart parking lot after PotC 3. But I guess they just ended up going to Taco Bell, and then Seven Eleven, and just hung out... Brandy was with them and eventually came home, I guess...? After the movie I just wanted to sleep, and in a BED. I sat between Trav and Aaron to watch it, in the front row, with a gallon of chocolate milk (courtesy of Lindsey's Bag Of Holding). Then we left. Well, first Trav had to pee, so he went to some special place where he and Aaron like to have... peeing competitions or something. Idk. Anyway we went over to the Walmart parking lot (I think Trav was just really bored), and he discovered those little parking spaces with rocks and trees and bushes around them. I guess he didn't know about them before. In any case that's where he wanted to camp. Those spots are probably meant for motorcycles or something, but I could be wrong. I sure don't pretend to know anything about... anything. O___o
Since then nothing has happened of any particular interest. Brandy and I went black light golfing, which was just silly. And my orientation for Fazoli's was yesterday. Sounds like I will in fact have a job when I get back from Tennessee with Austin.
...Oh yeah, to anyone who didn't know. I'm leaving June 11th to Tennessee. With Austin. I should be back the 30th. Of June.
Aaaaand, I'll be at school tomorrow. Yeah, I'm a freak for going back to school now that I don't have to. But I left some stuff in the art room that I need to get, and also, I guess I need to work on that lettering for the Norse mythology mural with Jamie, and also, I'll be at school, but I'll have no obligation to be anywhere at any time. Which will be a cool change. I'll probably spend a lot of time in the art room, except for 2nd hour and lunch, I'll be with Oz. And maybe I'll see Oz after school, too. It's been... 5 days since I've seen him, but it just feels weird because normally I see him every day at school. O.o Not that big of a deal, though, since I'll be with him for about three weeks starting the day after my open house.
Jessie, have you painted your cap? I haven't painted mine yet. -__-()