(no subject)

Apr 01, 2012 16:21

Jotenkin on aika noloa lukea noista suomi-secreteistä syntynyttä """kohua""". NO LOL OLIPA _HAUSKAA_ MITÄKÖHÄN YRITTI OP NYT TÄLLÄ SANOA EI TAINNU SAAHA MITÄÄN REAKTIOTA AIKAAN HATERZZZZ R FAT AND JELLY TBH!!!!!!!1!11

Siis herranen aika sentään.

Ja mä olen syvästi pettynyt et Jyväskylä ei päässyt suomilolien kartalle.

School still sucks and I'm surrounded by idiots.

I have so much work to do and I haven't even started yet. I'm going to be really busy all the way till the summer holiday! Thank god we have the business, if it were up to me we'd be working overtime all day err day. I'm not sure how much money we're going to make, especially when we have to split it between six girls, but it beats working without any pay hands down.

Sherlock has really started to get on my nerves. Not the show, but the fandom. It shouldn't matter how crazy the fandom is, the point is to enjoy the show and ignore everything else, but I can't do it. I just can't. The fandom (especially the Finnish fandom) is full of rampant shipping, unholy hate towards the American remake, unfunny jokes, even more shipping, fandom cross overs... No thanks.

Thank god Game of Thrones is coming back. I've started to lose interest in many fandoms, so it's nice to have at least one thing to get excited about. I just ordered AFFC and I can't wait to read it. :3

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