Timelady verse timeline

Jun 30, 2011 23:26

GS/Timelady!Verse: If the companions were the Doctor, the Doctors were the companions, and the key players mixed up their chromosomes. One variation of that.

Season One - The Doctor, fresh from the Time War, meets the plucky mechanic, Christopher Smith. She doesn't get along with his girlfriend and presumptuous fiancee, Micki Smith, who's a bit lazy and is prone to joking about how she wouldn't have to change her name if they got married. Micki's a bartender and is good with computers, but doesn't put much effort into anything. Christopher and his younger brother are in a war for Micki's affections when the Doctor first arrives. His younger brother, David Smith is a salesman at a clothing store, who used to have ambition but after a few bad experiences quit trying, so he tends to laze about instead of applying himself. Their father, Peter (Who's getting on in age) is the manager of the mechanic place Chris works at, and hasn't been the same since their mother passed on.

Christopher's bright attitude and great perception draws the Doctor's (who tends to go by Rose Tyler in this incarnation if she wants incognito) attention, and she offers for him to come with her after they save London from the Autons. She shows him the end of the world and...Cardiff, and then accidentally lands him a year late, which earns her the disdain of Micki and David and the ire of Peter. Micki and David show themselves to be competent when the Slitheen attack, but afterward Micki doesn't want to live that life, and David is still angry with the Doctor, so leaves to go scuba diving instead.

Along the way they encounter the last Dalek, and Chris' reasoning keeps her from killing it outright...but also brings along the pretty but catty Eden Mitchell, who tries to use time travel for her own advantage. Which Chris himself does in a moment of weakness later, when they stumble across his mother, who was killed in an accident driving to pick David up from a rave.

Afterward, they end up in the London Blitz and meet a charming conwoman named Jacqueline Harkness, who might be a captain but prefers 'Jac'. Chris prefers it, too, because Jacqueline was his mother's name. Nanogenes are awesome and everyone lives, so Chris convinces the Doctor to give the pretty conwoman a chance to travel with them. Then convinces her to stop in Cardiff for his passport. He ends up in a tiff with Micki over her seeing other people, even though she makes clear she and David aren't together either. One of the surviving Slitheen try to destroy Earth (again), but they manage to stop him by getting him to look into the heart of the TARDIS.

Not long after, they get kidnapped by the Gamestation, the Doctor makes friends with Lyndall with a 'y'. Chris loses his game and gets sent to the Daleks, the Doctor saves him and the Daleks invade. She tricks him and sends him home, Jacqueline dies fighting back the Daleks. Chris, Micki, and David look for a way to get back. Peter brings a truck that he's just repaired, Micki drives it and David attaches the chain (after Chris tells him about the story of being there for their mother when she died going to pick David up) but his curiosity gets the better of him, and he stays to see what it looks like. When the TARDIS opens, he catches a glimpse of it and is rendered unconscious and dragged along for the ride.

Chris the Bad Wolf holds on too long, and despite the Doctor's efforts burns up before she can save him.

The Doctor's grief is interrupted by the dazed and confused David still in the TARDIS.

Season Two - She means to drop him off and flee, but his minor exposure to the TARDIS has left him terribly sick, and she can't in good conscience leave him, so she stays at his side. The Sycorax invade while she's busy having a break down over Chris' death, and so she doesn't notice their presence until they're right over London. She charges in to deal with them a bit too recklessly, and gets her hand cut off for her efforts. The recovered David shows up at a key moment, though, and turns the tide, using the spark of TARDIS energy he'd accidentally collected to restore her hand and saving her life so they can defeat the Sycorax after all. His brush with death and the glimpse of the universe courtesy the heart of the TARDIS--and the wake up call of his brother--changes his stance, and he decides to travel with the Doctor and make something of his life after all. Since he did save her life, he earned a place in the TARDIS.

Season two ends up quite prolonged with all sorts of adventures, including once where they accidentally trip over her past self, and David meets a woman who goes by 'Sarah Jane' instead. He gets a glimpse of the life she really lives--changing her alias every time, never keeping friends and now without a home. They become close as Micki decides to start traveling with them, and then eventually chooses to stay behind in a parallel universe where her grandad is alive, and David's mother is alive because she never had children and thus never got in the accident. While they slowly realize they've fallen for each other, Torchwood and the war interrupts them. Peter reunites with alternate Jackie, and Micki shows up again. When the Doctor realizes the solution, she also realizes she can't lose David, and so hatches a plan to absorb all of the void particles from David onto herself. The weight of this is too much for her body, and the pull of the void ends up essentially tearing her organs apart, forcing her to regenerate in the process.

Season Three - While the Doctor is recovering from the regeneration, David freaks out and runs away, right into a plot to invade the world with a somewhat pathetic but boisterous red haired groom-to-be who reminds David of his father. David gets drawn into his quest, and realizes by the end that he is not ready to give up on traveling with the Doctor yet. So he returns to meet the new Doctor. She's a bit more open and obvious about her feelings toward him than before, but he keeps her at a bit of a distance until he can adjust.

She decides she likes the sound of the name Martha Jones this time. Although things are a bit touch-and-go at first, David slowly reopens up to her. When the Doctor needs to hide in the past from aliens, and trusts herself in his hands--as a maid who no longer knows him--he's tempted to stay behind and live a quiet life with a blonde nurse named Joan...but when it comes down to it, he realizes he still loves the Doctor, no matter what she looks like or what name she goes by.

Things go well for them finally, until Jac Harkness shows up again, carrying the disembodied hand of the Doctor's previous regeneration. Then the old woman at the end of the universe turns out to be the Master...whose husband happens to be the new Prime Minister. Jac and the Doctor are captured as the Toclafane rain down on Earth, and David goes on a mission for the Doctor to save the world. The weight of the entire population of Earth's telepathic field, the rapid back-and-forth aging, and a second glancing bullet triggers another regeneration in the Doctor and ends the Master's life.

Season Four - David rolls with the regeneration better this time, and The Doctor and David choose to masquerade as a newly married couple on the Titanic that crashes into them. David befriends a blonde waitress named Astrid, but who is sadly short-lived. The new incarnation of the Doctor is older and a bit crass, and pulls back on the outward expression of affection. She chooses to go by the alias of Donna Noble now. Strangely enough, David keeps thinking he glimpses the Doctor's original incarnation in crowds or around corners...and people keep saying 'she' is returning. It doesn't help when they come across a past version of the Doctor somehow, and then the Doctor ends up having a clone daughter with remarkably blonde hair...but who dies saving David.

On a random trip to the largest library in the universe, they meet a mysterious man named Rory, who seems a bit sarcastic, and seems to know the Doctor somehow, even though the Doctor doesn't know him. When David is drawn into the library's computer, he falls into a dream family with a woman who is remarkably like the first incarnation he met. When he wakes up, he believes it's simply a dream, and is disturbed by the fact that his subconscious is suddenly unable to let go of an incarnation gone by two already. When in Shen-Shan, he is drawn into his past and forced to make the choice to volunteer to drive the truck, instead of hook up the chain, sending Chris off alone and allowing the Doctor to flee as she'd planned. In the Torchwood war, the Doctor is overwhelmed trying to stop it on her own, and ends up being dragged into the void...

And yet a woman who looks exactly like her keeps appearing and guiding David down a path to set things right. There's something off about the woman, like she's lost or confused, but David can't pin-point it, and the Doctor thinks she was a manifestation of time trying to correct itself taking the form of the only Time Lord on hand. But the parallel Doctor warns that something is coming and dragging several versions of the Doctor together.

Indeed, Daleks invade Earth, with a plot to destroy all of reality, and the damage of the bomb degrades the walls of time...allowing Martha and Sarah Jane Doctor to appear and lend a hand--but not Rose--Jac, Peter, and Micki also help. With three Doctors, no metacrisis is necessary, they're fully capable of stopping the reality bomb on their own and reversing it. Of course, while they're putting in the final calculations in the TARDIS, the hand of Rose!Doctor crashes to the ground and the container shatters. All three reach down and grab the hand at once, infused with the energy of the reality bomb and forming a paradox which...springs to life a sort of metacrisis without the other half. She's not human, but she's minus a heart and with only one life. The Doctors realize she must be the one that David kept glimpsing, and send her back to do her work--which involved setting up warnings in their past, which David glimpsed.

Once all the Doctors go back to their proper times, the Rose Doctor finally catches up again, to answer David's question about why the broken vial wouldn't go back to normal now that the three Doctors never met. David runs to her, but one last Dalek remains not yet consumed by the reality bomb. The Doctor spots it in time and catches the glancing shot instead, before it winks out of existence. The power of the shot--something that shouldn't be able to be regenerated from--and the paradoxical circumstances of the shot send her body into instability and a false regeneration. Rose Doctor still must go to the alternate David, and though he's happy to see her, he must remain with his Doctor.

Over the next year, the Doctor keeps swapping out bodies, not quite regenerating, but unable to settle into one body. There's Rosita, with whom they meet a strange woman claiming to be a future her--but who isn't. There's Christina, with whom they traveled to a dead planet...and a heard a prophesy that death came for them both. Adelaide, in which they tried to save people as they did in Pompeii, but miscalculate and fail horribly, and many others. David spends the year conflicted, thinking of the Rose-Doctor still out there somewhere. Finally, miraculously, the Doctor is able to stabilize her body and recover, back as Donna. Then the Master returns, crazier than before, and drags Gallifrey with her.

In the end, David is stuck in the glass case, and willing to die to save her. The Doctor can't have that, of course, and so frees him at her own cost. Yet, even when she survives, and simply feels the regeneration...she realizes she can't put him through this again, and she cannot bear the thought that he'll die. She tricks him into running into Rose-Doctor again, and gives him the chance to stay with the woman he loves. After his year of deliberation, he chooses to stay with her, and the Doctor sends them through a gap in the universe to be with his family.

She walks back through her past, watching her history and saying farewell to the companions she's leaving behind, until she finally goes back to see young Chris who changed everything. She takes so long, though, that she stumbles and falls in the snow when she tries to make it back to the TARDIS.

Only to be caught by a young David, severely inebriated himself, but who helps her stand and offers to walk her home. He wishes her well once she manages to steady herself enough to go the rest of the way back, and she makes it to the TARDIS just before regenerating.

Season Five - Younger and fiestier, she crashes in the yard of young Matthew Stone, a seven year old boy with a crack in his wall and a too-big house. She accidentally leaves him behind for ten years, and comes back to meet a neurotic young man who goes by Matt, and has a cocky (sort of) girlfriend named River. A bit like Micki, the Doctor--who decides she rather likes Amy Pond as an alias--doesn't get on much with River, and she quickly sweeps off with Matt. Partly out of fascination, partly out of rebounding off of the loss of David.

She encounters the enigmatic Rory again, whose fate she already knows, and in a fit of rebellion throws herself at a shocked but not entirely unwilling Matt. She scares herself with her ferocity, though, and pulls back before anything can happen--instead immediately picking up his girlfriend-fiancee-person instead.

Season five ensues, River is erased and then brought back, Rory reappears, and the gentle dedication he has underneath the mystery and sarcasm is just the sort of person the Doctor needs to help get over the loss of David.

Season six - Unfinished~

verse: time lady

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