(no subject)

May 18, 2007 20:42

Being unemployed sucks. I have applied to at least 10 different places...hopefully J&J Staffing saves me.
Or "Vector Marketing"...aka TELEMARKETING! Kill me now--I really hope I don't have to be telemarketer. But gloucester county leaves me with no choice...

Luckily I was hired by an affiliate of the company my dad works for now and I'm fixing up their web site and putting it on the domain. Here is what I have so far: diamondmaterials.com.

I also have an internship with a psychologist in Woodstown/Pitman. He seems like a really great guy, but the hours aren't extensive, hence the job search. He says I'll get to sit in on a few sessions too (if the client permits), which will be very interesting! He has clients of all ages...so I should get a lot experience.


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