Where is the summer?!

Jan 31, 2005 20:58

well this weekend was cool friday was just another school day! but after school i had b-ball practice and then i stayed to watch the varisty boyz! such a great job they won!!! IS' ball went into the stand and being the nice perosn i am i went and got it for him and he said thanks you! Then i stayed to watch the Jv boys they were not doing all that great but it is ok!!! After the first quarter emmas dad came and picked us up and i went to her house and chilled, saw her beautiful new room had dinner then anna called and we went to her house! FUNNIEST NIGHT EVER!! layna had something to say with someone and their assests hahaha! and you can be the whale rider!! So funny us tryign to get a pciture of all of us and then me breaking a glass and anna doing this impression of this guy and falling and talks liek always! I <333 you girlez!! Went home at liek 10:45. Both saturday and sunday i had a b-ball game we lost both timez but it is ok!!! We atleast tried! Sunday i went to the mall for liek 20 mintues was suppose to go with mal but like i only went for leik 20 mintues so that idea got scrated maybe next time scientist! Today was the first day of winter spirt week PJ day! cute pjs by all of you guys!! Hopefully this week will be fun!! Varisty guys game tomorrow hopfully i am going! We have 2 games this week thrusday and sauturday both home! :)

love always jess

Valentines day is almost here?! Who will be mine?!

 friday at annas props to laynas camera

 us all beign retarded once again props to elaynas camera

 me and layna today after school how cute

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