Hello mates... (i want to go to austraila)

Jan 17, 2005 14:24

Well i dont exactly remember this past week hahaha short term memeory i will try my best. Monday we have a b-ball game in Sleepy Hollow the varisty girls went in to Overt ime that was one of the most exciting games i evr been too! Tuesday i went to a Talent show meeting and we came up with a theme that rocks!! Who's gonna rock the stage '05!!! We will find out in 4 days!!! Then mallory came over and we played monopoly which was sooo funny cause we were loaded to bad that wasnt like in reall life. We had ntohgin to do with are money so we bought the first purple ones and started to laugh cause it was two dollars if u land on it!!! wednesday and thursday i guess were just school days! Friday anna asked if i wanted to go to her house for girlz night but i said i have to cathc up on sleep and get up early for my b-ball game in Haldane! But it turns out that i didnt catch up on sleep and didnt go to my b-ball game cause i got the stomach bug from my little brother! not funn!! I lost liek two pounds! considering the fact the drs. wouldnt let me eat anythign for 36 hours and drink naything for like 12 hours. yesterday i just chilled aroudnt he house and watched the football gamez on TV i was going to go to the movies with my friends up no i was sick!!! Ugg sometimez life doesnt always work out the best!! Today my stomach is fine but i have a cold (tear). I <33 livejournal becuase i have foudn alot of my monroe friends though it, which is sooo coool! well im going to go get some rest and stody for liek 1,000 tests this weekk
love alwayz
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