Nov 14, 2006 19:10
Ok so one thing...I'm happy now cuz this weekend shall b fun and im done w/ chem lab for two freakin weeks! omg that makes me happy. dont get me wrong i love chemistry i love doin lab work but im sry sometimes i just didnt really wanna go everyone has their and then somethin else my performance for my dance class is in two weeks!! this shall b interestin...indeed. lol and ive come to a conclusion...everythin has been signed sealed and will soon be reply no real answer...and is very slow so yea no more...i was told that its kinda shady so im not worried bout stuff like that anymore. lol o and i saw someone i havent really seen and talked to since last year(mainly cuz im not over in the Deltas anymore) yea interesting is a nice word. pretty cool and interestin...and no affiliation watsoever. omg! that makes me even happier...unless i find somethin out but i doubt it...but that really made my day. cuz that and latin dancing...wowo i like that class...i just wish that it was just go and have fun...but then again thats how i learned so thats wat im use to...but its still fun anyways. o and friday i get to look cute cuz of course i kno Ash will b helpin me look hot to usual! just makes me even happier that i get a chance to wear a tie...i dont kno y i just wanna wear a tie havent done that in awhile so but ok im goin on my lil ramblin spree and i dont really need to do that right now so gone. later