Oct 20, 2006 13:14
yea its been awhile since i posted anythin on here...thats not a first but its been awhile. so yea. he he i think i can finally say that i really dont like anyone in that sorta way right now which is good. cuz if i did i wouldnt b that much of a person right now. lol. surprisingly me and jeff are gettin along which is really good cuz out of everythin i still wanted to b friends w/ him cuz that was the person that i was usually able to talk to...and to save ppl from tryin to give me the 3rd degree...no we're not goin to get back together...we figured it wouldnt have worked out if we did cuz how things have really changed. but its startin to get back to normal and i like that cuz i wouldnt want it any other way.
so yea now im gettin to this point of where i want to go into hiding. lol i just wanna get away from all this drama that has arisen recently. iunno...i just dont wanna b round all that drama shit and its just showin its pretty lil head and im just like fuck it...fuck everythin. i dont kno...im just goin to escape for awhile and get away from things. i need to get away from certain ppl and just not really talk to certain ppl for awhile. cuz i just dont need to b into all that shit. *sigh* iunno ima find somethin interestin to do for another hour and a half. later.