GERMAN-ENGLISH WEEKLY JOURNAL by Mark Alan Pollock, (September 16-22, 2024)

Sep 16, 2024 14:41



by Mark Alan Pollock, (September 16-22, 2024)


E-MAIL, KICK-OFF MEETING: REMINDER & INFORMATION, Alliance for Continued Learning-East Tennessee State University (ACL-ETSU), (September 16, 2024)

ACL-ETSU Fall Sessions start tomorrow. - Remember (first day) to arrive early (9:30-10:00am) to sign-in, pick-up name tags, and socialize. Meetings start promptly at 10:00am. I attached this week’s speaker information, two (.jpg) images below.

Important reminder on public health - On April 10, Jeanie & I both tested positive for Covid 19. Also, a few other ACL members got sick & tested positive at that time. Consequently, on September 4, Jeanie & I took both the new Covid 19 shot & the latest Flu shot at WALGREENS. We always have our masks & hand sanitizer with us everywhere we go. Yes, let’s emphasize this public health issue at session one.


Mark, 2024 President, ACL-ETSU



E-MAIL, ACL-ETSU Membership, KICK-OFF Meeting, 10-Noon, (September 17, 2024)

Wonderful session today! It was like coming home! - Deanna Richardson

2024 Fall Brochure (.pdf) file attached. I will print a copy for you upon request.

Two images (.jpg) below capture the spirit of today’s exciting first meeting.

Sincerely, Mark, 2024 President, ACL-ETSU (September 17, 2024)


---------------------------- & (3706), Sign in Waiting Room, KHC, 600 N. State of Franklin Road, Suite 8, Johnson City, TN 37604-3645, (423) 926-4468, 2:30 PM, (September 18, 2024)


This afternoon I received good news from my heart. For an 80-year-old person, my heart is normal and healthy. - MAP (September 18, 2024),


Heute Nachmittag habe ich gute Nachrichten meines Herzens bekommen. Für einen 80-jahren Mensch ist mein Herz normal und gesund. - MAP (18. September 2024)


This traditional birthday song is a must at any birthday party. In kindergartens and schools in particular, various customs are associated with it, such as lifting the birthday child three times in accordance with the lyrics. However, only the first part of the song is particularly popular. The third line, "Long live him, long live him, long live him three times," is rarely sung. The song is usually sung in combination with "Happy Birthday to you." K - (ENGLISH)


Dieses traditionelle Geburtstagslied darf auf keiner Geburtstagsfeier fehlen. Insbesondere in Kindergärten und Schulen verbinden sich damit verschiedene Bräuche, wie zum Beispiel das Geburtstagskind dreimalig passend zum Text hochzuheben. Besonders verbreitet ist allerdings nur der erste Teil des Stückes. Die dritte Zeile „Er lebe hoch, er lebe hoch, er lebe dreimal hoch“ wird nur selten gesungen. Meist wird das Lied in Kombination mit „Alles Gute, viel Glück“ (Happy Birthday to you) vorgetragen. - (GERMAN)

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