GERMAN-ENGLISH WEEKLY JOURNAL by Mark Alan Pollock, (May 17-24, 2024)

May 17, 2024 19:19

Mark Alan Pollock, (May 17-24, 2024)
By Dennis Overbye, Kenneth Chang, and Joshua Sokol (July 17, 2022)

The universe was born in darkness 13.8 billion years ago, and even after the first stars and galaxies blazed into existence a few hundred million years later, these too stayed dark. Their brilliant light, stretched by time and the expanding cosmos, dimmed into the infrared, rendering them - and other clues to our beginnings - inaccessible to every eye and instrument.

Until now. On Tuesday the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful space observatory yet built, offered a spectacular slide show of our previously invisible nascent cosmos. Ancient galaxies carpeting the sky like jewels on black velvet. Fledgling stars shining out from deep within cumulus clouds of interstellar dust. Hints of water vapor in the atmosphere of a remote exoplanet.

Their sum is both a new vision of the universe and a view of the universe as it once appeared new.

“That was always out there,” said Jane Rigby, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and the telescope’s project scientist for operations. “We just had to build a telescope to go see what was there.”

The Webb telescope - NASA’s vaunted successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, 30 years and nearly $10 billion in the making - is equipped to gain access to this realm of cosmic history, study the first stars and galaxies and look for nearer, potentially habitable worlds. It is a collaboration among NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency.

“We’re looking for the first things to come out of the Big Bang,” said John Mather, senior project scientist for the telescope.
E-MAIL, SANTIAGO’s Thoughts on the Cosmos, 5:45 pm, (c. May 15, 2024)

During THAT first “moment” of creation
The initial expansion of the Cosmos
Went from nothing-small
To the size of a ping pong ball
In a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second!!!!!
Acceleration that would cause
The speed of light to despair
And confound the mind of an inquisitive creature
Who would evolve 14 billion years later
And who would come to understand
Almost everything-
But THAT!!!

And THIS: That that ping pong ball
Would contain a concoction of “energy”
That would later power
400 billion Galaxies!
(And a bunch of other unseen stuff
Including the likes of Shakespeare and Mozart and Einstein
And Hitler and Stalin and Mao Zedong.)
Santiago's poem above inspired me to visit the seven websites above. The pictures help people understand the poem. - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Santiagos Gedicht oben hat mich inspiriert die sieben Webseiten oben zu besuchen. Die Bilder helfen Menschen das Gedicht zu verstehen. - MAP (17. Mai 2024)

(2614 & 2616 & 2618), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)
The flowers of the Pecan nut tree hang like green cords (cords). - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Die Blumen des Pekannuss-Baum hängen wie grüne Kordeln (Schnüre). - MAP (17. Mai 2024)

(2626 & 2627 & 2630), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)
I was amazed and delighted to see the red ants and gray aphids on this flowering thistle. - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Erstaunt und erfreut war ich die roten Ameisen und die grauen Blattläuse auf dieser blühenden Distel zu sehen. - MAP (17. Mai 2024)
The aphids or Aphidoidea belong to the plant lice (Sternorrhyncha). They have lived on earth for around 200 million years. Of the 5,000 known species, around 800 occur in Central Europe and 708 also in Germany. All aphids feed on plant sap. A number of species are considered pests of agricultural or ornamental plants.
Nutrition: Aphids use their mouthparts, which are designed as proboscises, to specifically pierce vascular bundles of the host plant and suck phloem juice from them. From this they primarily absorb the amino acids it contains; The majority of this carbohydrate-rich juice is excreted as sugary honeydew and then attracts other insects and vertebrates and serves as a nutrient medium for black mold and sooty mold fungi.
Reproduction: The production of winged offspring can also be triggered by an alarm scent (pheromone) that the aphids emit when they are attacked by enemies such as ladybirds.
Pests: In addition, the sticky deposits caused by the honeydew excreted by the lice often lead to the colonization of black fungus, which can also represent an aesthetic problem. Ants, wasps, honeybees, other insects and even some vertebrates use the honeydew excreted by aphids as a food source. Often ants live with aphids in trophobiosis. They help aphids spread and protect aphid colonies from predators in order to utilize the honeydew in return. -äuse,
Die Blattläuse oder Aphidoidea gehören zu den Pflanzenläusen (Sternorrhyncha). Sie leben seit etwa 200 Millionen Jahren auf der Erde. Von den 5000 bekannten Arten kommen in Mitteleuropa etwa 800 vor und 708 auch in Deutschland. Alle Blattläuse ernähren sich von Pflanzensaft. Eine Reihe von Arten gilt als Schädlinge von Nutz- oder Zierpflanzen.
Ernährung: Blattläuse stechen mit den als Saugrüssel ausgebildeten Mundwerkzeugen gezielt Leitbündel der Wirtspflanze an und saugen daraus Phloemsaft. Davon nehmen sie in erster Linie die enthaltenen Aminosäuren auf; der überwiegende Teil dieses an Kohlenhydraten reichen Safts wird als zuckerhaltiger Honigtau wieder ausgeschieden und lockt dann andere Insekten sowie Wirbeltiere an und dient Schwärze- und Rußtaupilzen als Nährmedium.
Fortpflanzung: Die Produktion des geflügelten Nachwuchses kann auch durch einen Alarm-Duftstoff (Pheromon) ausgelöst werden, den die Blattläuse ausstoßen, wenn sie von Feinden wie beispielsweise Marienkäfern angegriffen werden.
Schädlinge: Daneben führen die klebrigen Ablagerungen durch den von den Läusen ausgeschiedenen Honigtau oft sekundär zur Ansiedelung von Schwärzepilzen, was auch ein ästhetisches Problem darstellen kann. Ameisen, Wespen, Honigbienen, andere Insekten und selbst einige Wirbeltiere nutzen den von den Blattläusen ausgeschiedenen Honigtau als Nahrungsquelle. Häufig leben Ameisen mit Blattläusen in Trophobiose. Sie unterstützen Blattläuse bei deren Verbreitung und schützen Läusekolonien vor Fressfeinden, um im Gegenzug den Honigtau zu verwerten. -äuse

(2631 & 2632), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2633 & 2634), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2636 & 2637), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2639 & 2640), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)
Together, the roses and the common privet cast a pleasant scent into the air. - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Zusammen werfen die Rosen und der gemeine Liguster einen angenehmen Duft in die Luft. - MAP (17. Mai 2024)
The birds, animals, and insects like to eat the cherries from the cherry tree. - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Die Vögel, die Tiere und die Insekten fressen gerne die Kirschen von dem Kirschenbaum. - MAP (17. Mai 2024)

(2641 & 2644), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)
The real fountain cress or fountain cress (nasturtium officinale), also called water cress, is a species of the genus of fountain cresses (nasturtium) within the cross flowers (brassicaceae). This swamp or aquatic plant is used as a kitchen herb and vegetables.
- ,
Die Echte Brunnenkresse oder Brunnenkresse (Nasturtium officinale), auch Wasserkresse genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Brunnenkressen (Nasturtium) innerhalb der Kreuzblütengewächse (Brassicaceae). Diese Sumpf- bzw. Wasserpflanze wird als Küchenkraut und Gemüse verwendet.

(2652 & 2659), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)
The rooster and three hens are very photogenic. He is a handsome king with three beautiful queens. - MAP (May 17, 2024),
Der Hahn und drei Hennen sind sehr fotogen. Er ist ein gutaussehender König mit drei schönen Königinnen. - MAP (17. Mai 2024)

(2661 & 2663), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2665 & 2666), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2669 & 2670), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2668 & 2671), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2672 & 2673), Spaziergang mit der Kamera, 2:45-4:00 pm (May 17, 2024)

(2675), My Exchange Student Friend by Kenzi McDavid, DBE Freshman, JOHNSON CITY PRESS, (May 18, 2024) &

Flag of Verl & Coat of Arms of Verl -
Verl is a town in the district of Gütersloh in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In the 19th century two citizens of Verl, Johannes Otto and Ferdinand Bredeik (Bredeick), founded two towns in Ohio, USA: Delphos and Ottoville. Since the 1990s, Verl has been an official sister city of both towns. -
The English article above is a short summary. Please read the comprehensive article on the website - MAP (May 18, 2024),
Der englische Artikel oben ist eine kurze Zusammenfassung. Lesen Sie bitte den umfassenden Artikel auf Webseite - MAP (18. Mai 2024)
Each year, an increasing number of exchange students arrive in the U.S. from diverse countries.

I find this topic fascinating because a girl on my cheer team, Vanessa Drewniok, moved from Verl, a small town in Germany, to Kingsport in August. Initially, Vanessa faced challenges adjusting to a new school, making new friends, and trying out for cheerleading - a sport she had never attempted.

As time progressed, Vanessa adapted each day, forming new friendships, mastering the American educational curriculum, and becoming increasingly familiar with her new sport and teammates.

Unfortunately, my time with Vanessa will end next month when she has to move back to Germany.

“I applied to a foreign exchange program in Germany, which required me to undergo an interview and complete extensive paperwork,” she explained. “Being unfamiliar with anyone there, I embraced the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture, meet new people, and experience life differently than usual.”

Drewniok will return to Germany in May. - Kenzi McDavid, DBE Freshman (May 18, 2024)
E-MAIL, “German Masters” with LINK, 7:43 am, (May 19, 2024)
-----------------------------örsterling (2min43sec)
Alexandra Försterling (born 27 November 1999) is a German professional golfer and Ladies European Tour player. She won the 2023 VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open. As an amateur, she won the 2014 European Young Masters and was runner-up at the 2020 European Ladies’ Team Championship and the 2021 European Ladies Amateur.
Professional Career
Försterling turned professional in December 2022 and joined the 2023 Ladies European Tour after winning the LET Q-School at La Manga in Spain alongside compatriot Polly Mack.
In her rookie season, she shot a 66 (−5) three consecutive days to win the VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open two strokes ahead of Madelene Stavnar.
Försterling became the first home player to win an LET event in Germany when she won the 2024 Amundi German Masters in a playoff with Emma Spitz.
Alexandra Försterling (* 27. November 1999) ist eine deutsche Profigolferin und Ladies European Tour-Spielerin. Sie gewann das VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open 2023. Als Amateurin gewann sie das European Young Masters 2014 und wurde Zweite bei der European Ladies' Team Championship 2020 und der European Ladies Amateur 2021.
Professionelle Karriere
Försterling wurde im Dezember 2022 Profi und nahm an der Ladies European Tour 2023 teil, nachdem sie zusammen mit ihrer Landsfrau Polly Mack die LET Q-School in La Manga in Spanien gewonnen hatte.
In ihrer Rookie-Saison erzielte sie an drei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen eine 66 (−5) und gewann das VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open mit zwei Schlägen Vorsprung vor Madelene Stavnar.
Försterling war die erste Heimspielerin, die ein LET-Event in Deutschland gewann, als sie mit Emma Spitz das Amundi German Masters 2024 in einem Playoff gewann.
Jesus v. Evangelicals: A Biblical Critique of a Wayward Movement,
by Constantine R. Campbell, ISBN 978-0-310-13544-9, ZONDERVAN REFLECTIVE,, (c.2023)
Constantine R. Campbell's book above is very interesting and educational. On page 188, he tells the reader about the book The God Bless the USA Bible. Then, I visited the website above. Personally, I believe that religion and politics should not be mixed. What do you think? - MAP (May 19, 2024),
Constantine R. Campbells Buch oben ist sehr interessant und lehrreich. An der Seite 188 erzählt er dem Leser über das Buch The God Bless the USA Bible. Danach bin ich die Webseite oben besucht. Persönlich glaube ich, dass die Religion und die Politik nicht gemischt werden sollen. Was denkst du? - MAP (19. Mai 2024)

- &
John Robert Walmsley Stott, CBE (born April 27, 1921, in London, England, † July 27, 2011 in Lingfield, Surrey) was a British theologian and priest of the Church of England. He was one of the most important theologians of the evangelical movement. Stott was instrumental in developing the Lausanner obligation to evangelate the world in 1974. Time Magazine calculated him in 2005 the 100 most influential people in the world. He was often compared to Billy Graham in the United States; In contrast to him, he worked less through sermons than through his publications.
Private life
John Stott lived celibatarian throughout his life and explained his service, his writing and traveling to this extent if he had been responsible for a family. His hobby was birdwatching; He took numerous photos and also published a book.
- &
John Robert Walmsley Stott, CBE (* 27. April 1921 in London, England; † 27. Juli 2011 in Lingfield, Surrey) war ein britischer Theologe und Priester der Church of England. Er gehörte zu den wichtigsten Theologen der evangelikalen Bewegung. Stott war maßgeblich an der Ausarbeitung der Lausanner Verpflichtung zur Weltevangelisation im Jahre 1974 beteiligt. Das Time Magazine rechnete ihn 2005 zu den 100 einflussreichsten Personen der Welt. Er wurde oft mit Billy Graham in den Vereinigten Staaten verglichen; im Unterschied zu ihm wirkte er weniger durch Predigten als durch seine Publikationen.
John Stott lebte sein Leben lang zölibatär und erklärte, sein Dienst, sein Schreiben und seine Reisen wären nie in diesem Ausmaß möglich gewesen, wenn er die Verantwortung für eine Familie gehabt hätte. Sein Hobby war das Birdwatching; er machte zahlreiche Fotos und veröffentlichte auch ein Buch dazu. -
-----------------------------, Visited Website (May 20, 2024)
The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) is a non-profit organization promoting international education and exchange. It was founded in 1947 and is based in the United States. The organization is headquartered in Portland, Maine. -
Der Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die die internationale Bildung und den Austausch fördert. Es wurde 1947 gegründet und ist in den Vereinigten Staaten ansässig. Die Organisation hat seinen Hauptsitz in Portland, Maine. - -

Das Parlamentarische Patenschafts-Programm (PPP) bzw. der Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) ist ein einjähriges Jugendaustauschprogramm, das 1983 durch den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und den Deutschen Bundestag ins Leben gerufen wurde. Das PPP hat über den kulturellen Austausch eine Vertiefung der Freundschaft zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland zum Ziel. Zurzeit verbringen circa 350 Schüler und junge Berufstätige ein Jahr im jeweils anderen Land.
The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX), German name: Parlamentarisches Patenschafts-Programm (PPP) is a youth student exchange program founded in 1983. The program, which is jointly sponsored by the United States Congress and the German Bundestag, funds exchange programs for German and American students through grants to private exchange organizations in both countries. The funding in the United States is administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.
E-MAIL, WORLD PANTHEISM MOVEMENT, (c.1997-Present), (May 19, 2024)

The Background

The WPM Statement of Principles of Scientific Pantheism is not a religious creed. It is not intended to be recited by rote or read out whole in every meeting. Subscription to every clause is not a requirement of joining. Taking part in our main forums is free.

We know that people are not zombies. Everyone has a slightly different slant on the world: if they didn’t, there’d be nothing to talk about, nor would ideas advance. But people associate into social and spiritual groups because they share certain beliefs, so it is best to have a good idea of what those basic beliefs are before joining a group. The basic concepts comprise:
- Reverence for Nature and the wider Universe.
- Active respect and care for the rights of humans and animals.
- Celebration of our lives in our bodies on this beautiful earth.
- Freedom of religion, separation of state and religion, tolerance.
- Strong naturalism, without belief in supernatural realms, beings or forces.
- Respect for reason, evidence, and the scientific method.
- Realism: there is a real world independent of human thought or perception.

The WPM was created to promote this coherent set of beliefs as a rational alternative to supernatural beliefs. The Statement of Principles is an expression of the above beliefs and values. No deity will smite you if you disagree with it. It is a reminder of the central points of our beliefs, and a guide for people who are thinking of joining us or our social media, so they can get a good idea of who we are.

It is composed by fallible humans, not dictated by a deity. The statement was drawn up and agreed by a working group of fifteen people from the original WPM e-mail list. Decisions were taken on a democratic basis and required a 75% majority. It’s not immutable - it can be amended and from time to time we revisit it with our members. The statement was last revised in 2022.

The Statement

(1) We revere and celebrate the Universe as the totality of being, past, present, and future. It is self-organizing, ever evolving and inexhaustibly diverse. Its overwhelming power, beauty, and fundamental mystery compel the deepest human reverence and wonder.

(2) All matter, energy, and life are an interconnected unity of which we are an inseparable part. We rejoice in our existence and seek to participate ever more deeply in this unity through knowledge, celebration, meditation, empathy, love, ethical action, and art.

(3) We are an integral part of Nature, which we should cherish, revere, and preserve in all its magnificent beauty and diversity. We should strive to live in harmony with Nature locally and globally. We acknowledge the inherent value of all life, human and non-human, and strive to treat all living beings with compassion and respect.

(4) All humans are equal centers of awareness of the Universe and nature, and all deserve a life of equal dignity and mutual respect. To this end we support and work towards freedom, democracy, justice, and non-discrimination, and a world community based on peace, sustainable ways of life, full respect for human rights and an end to poverty.

(5) We honor reality and keep our minds open to the evidence of the senses and of science’s unending quest, using the scientific method, for deeper and more accurate understanding of the Universe and Nature. Science greatly enhances our spiritual and esthetic responses to the world, and our awareness of cosmic and natural wonders at all scales. Science is also essential in helping us to analyze our problems, and to find more effective and sustainable ways of coping with humanity’s challenges and crises.

(6) There is a single kind of substance, energy/matter, which is vibrant and infinitely creative in all its forms. Body and mind are indivisibly united.

(7) Although death is the end of our existence as conscious individuals, our energies always were and are and always will be part of the Universe’s dance of creation and renewal. Our actions, creations, and memories of us ripple on, according to what we have done while alive. Our genes live on in our families, and, through environmentally sound funerals, our elements are endlessly recycled in nature.

(8) Every individual has direct access through perception, emotion, and meditation to ultimate reality, which is the Universe and Nature. There is no need for mediation by prophets, priests, gurus or revealed scriptures.

(9) We uphold the separation of religion and state, and the human right of freedom of religion. We support mutual tolerance - the peaceful coexistence of divergent faiths and spiritualities - as indispensable in contemporary societies. We recognize the freedom of all pantheists to express their beliefs in any non-harmful ritual, symbol or vocabulary that is meaningful to them.

Print out or distribute the Statement.

You may print out this statement and distribute it to your friends and other people. Stick it on notice boards, leave it lying around on desks and tables, whatever you like. You may also reproduce it and copy it in any form you like, provided the source is acknowledged:
World Pantheist Movement:
COMMETARY by Dr. Paul Harrison,

Elements of Pantheism: A Spirituality of Nature and the Universe, by Dr. Paul Harrison, ISBN-13: 978-1490494937, (c.2013)
At the heart of modern scientific pantheism is reverence for Nature and the Universe. It offers a challenging alternative, beyond theism and atheism, with a joyful approach to our lives and a caring concern for all life on this earth. Pantheism is a 2,500-year-old belief system expressed by many famous thinkers and artists including Lao Tzu, Heraclitus, Spinoza, Wordsworth, Whitman, Emerson, Einstein, and Carl Sagan. Today pantheism is seeing a revival as the underlying world view of many environmentalists, of leading scientists, of nature-revering pagans, and of non-theists looking for a more embracing perspective. This accessible and authoritative handbook is the only available introduction to the history, theory, and practice of pantheism. -
Das Herzstück des modernen wissenschaftlichen Pantheismus ist Ehrfurcht vor der Natur und dem Universum. Es bietet eine herausfordernde Alternative, jenseits von Theismus und Atheismus, mit einer freudigen Herangehensweise an unser Leben und einer fürsorglichen Sorge um alles Leben auf dieser Erde. Pantheismus ist ein 2.500 Jahre altes Glaubenssystem, das von vielen berühmten Denker und Künstlern wie Lao Tzu, Heraclitus, Spinoza, Wordsworth, Whitman, Emerson, Einstein und Carl Sagan ausgedrückt wird. Heute sieht Pantheismus eine Wiederbelebung als die zugrunde liegende Weltanschauung vieler Umweltschützer, führender Wissenschaftler, naturverweilender Heiden und von Nicht-Theisten, die nach einer umfangreicheren Perspektive suchen. Dieses zugängliche und maßgebliche Handbuch ist die einzige verfügbare Einführung in die Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis des Pantheismus. - ,

(2676 & 2677), Photos at home = Fotos zu Hause, 8:50 am & 7:10 pm, (May 20, 2024)
The cats live with our neighbor, but they like to play in our back yard. - MAP (May 20, 2024),
Die Katzen wohnen mit unserer Nachbarin, aber sie spielen gerne in unserem Hinterhof. - MAP (20. Mai 2024)
My stepfather had always called the red cardinal “the red bird.” - MAP (May 20, 2024)
Immer hatte mein Stiefvater den Rotkardinal „den roten Vogel“ genannt. - MAP (20. Mai 2024)

(2679 & 2680), Photos at home = Fotos zu Hause, 7:35 pm, (May 20, 2024)
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology - All About Birds,
A house wren lives in this nesting box. - MAP (May 20, 2024),
Ein Hauszaunkönig wohnt in diesem Nistkasten. - MAP (20. Mai 2024)

(2685 & 2686), Photos at home = Fotos zu Hause, 7:40 pm, (May 20, 2024)
Milk thistle grows from seeds from a neighbor. I still hope that the little tree is a small beech. Again, I must “wait and drink tea.” - MAP (May 20, 2024),
Die Mariendistel wächst aus Samen von einer Nachbarin. Noch hoffe ich, dass der kleine Baum eine kleine Buche sei. Wieder muss ich „abwarten und Tee trinken“. - MAP (20. Mai 2024)

culture, lifelong learning, community, poetry, music, history, wildlife, trees, government, literature, economics, art, bird

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