GERMAN-ENGLISH WEEKLY JOURNAL Mark Alan Pollock, (March 25-31, 2024)
WEEK 2 classes, (10:00am-Noon), Community Conference Room in FOOD CITY, 920 North State of Franklin Road, Johnson City, TN, are shown below.
(, Jeff McCord, AWKWARD GRACE, Twilight Times Books,, Kingsport, TN, ISBN 978-1-933353-17-3, (c. 2008)
Here is my review of AWKWARD GRACE from ---------------------------
Reviewed by Mark Pollock in the United States on (December 12, 2023)
As I read Awkward Grace, I kept thinking about the words amazing grace. The cast of characters is short enough that the reader gets to know, respect, and remember each human being. The author shows us the goodness in people, who are often stereotyped negatively by others. These characters are in sharp contrast to the dictators, who use lies and hate to maintain power in a small African nation, the homeland of Mevin and his younger brother Claude. Their belief in the love, hope, and charity part of religion sustains and guides these characters as they seek life, liberty, happiness, and meaning in their lives. This wonderful story gives me hope that humans can learn to live together in harmony and that peace on earth is possible.
(2217), Rebecca Henderson, Johnson City Press (March 25, 2024) & (
William M. Kauffman, UNAKA (c. August 1, 2022) & HOLSTON (c. August 1, 2024)
Here are two reviews of UNAKA from ---------------------------
A Sequence of Scenes Portrays Human Lives
Reviewed by Mark Pollock in the United States on (December 4, 2022)
It is said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” In reference to this book, UNAKA, I say, “A few words create a thousand pictures.” In just 182 pages containing 10 stories, the author paints pictures portraying the beauty and diversity of humanity. These simple stories are a series of “snapshots” of people’s lives from around the world. The reader gets to know the characters by their actions and vivid descriptions. Rather than a continuum, the author presents a sequence of scenes. This device reminds me of Ebenezer Scrooge - unseen, visiting scenes from his past, present, and future in A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens. The reader gets to visit (1) Sylvie, (2) Noah, (3) Mickey, (4) Mary and Ruby, (5) The Kerley’s, (6) Keeneland, (7) Jimmy, (8) Jerry, (9) Jack, and (10) Elena. These human stories caused me to review and reflect on the memories of my own life.
Lovely Collection of Short Stories
Reviewed by Rebecca Henderson in the United States on (January 7, 2024)
Unaka is a collection of short stories that take place in Appalachia. I ordered the book, thinking it would be a novel, but I certainly was not disappointed to quickly learn that instead it's a book of short stories. The characters are compelling and very believable, with the settings varying from the Depression to the current times. The characters cover the gamut of society, from the very poor to the very wealthy. I look forward to William Kauffman's next book.
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Last summer (week 5), I bought Gregory Boyles book from Chautauqua's bookstore. This summer he is Chautauqua's chaplain for week 1. I am always happy to meet famous people. - MAP (March 25, 2024), Letzten Sommer (Woche 5) hatte ich Gregory Boyles Buch bei Chautauquas Buchhandlung gekauft. Diesen Sommer ist er Chautauquas Kaplan für Woche 1. Immer freut es mich berühmte Menschen kennenzulernen. - MAP (25. März 2024)
(2222 & 2230), The Role of Community Colleges, Dr. Jeff McCord & Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, 10:00-Noon, TUESDAY, (March 26, 2024)
We are very happy to meet both people. Lifelong learning improves the lives of everyone of all ages. - MAP (March 26, 2024), Es freut uns sehr beide Menschen kennenzulernen. Lebenslanges Lernen verbessert die Leben von allen Menschen aller Alter. - MAP (26. März 2024)
On April 16, 2024, we will be happy to learn about molecular recovery or molecular recycling from speaker Jacquelyn Keeney. The English title of her speech is: "Embracing Circularity - Eastman’s Journey in Molecular Recycling". Usually, you should never start a sentence with the word "I". Today, I say: "I can hardly wait!" - MAP (March 26, 2024), Am 16. April 2024 werden wir gerne über Molekularwiederaufbereitung oder Molekularrecycling von Rednerin Jacquelyn Keeney lernen. Der englische Titel ihrer Rede ist: „Embracing Circularity - Eastman’s Journey in Molecular Recycling“. Normalerweise soll man einen Satz mit dem Wort „ich“ niemals anfangen. Heute sage ich: „Ich kann es kaum noch erwarten!“ - MAP (26. März 2024)
(2231 & 2232) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Rainy Day, 4:20 pm (March 26, 2024)
As the purple magnolia tree fades, the crabapple tree begins to bloom. Today it is raining. Everything is wet. The colors are deeper and darker. - MAP (March 26, 2024), Als der Purpur-Magnolienbaum verblüht, fängt der Holzapfelbaum zu blühen an. Heute regnet es. Alles ist nass. Die Farben sind tiefer und dunkler. - MAP (26. März 2024)
E-MAIL from TJP to MAP, 8:36 am, (March 24, 2024)
TJP (March 24, 2024) ……………………. TJP (24. März 2024), one-quintillion of a second!!! ………….. eine Trillion Sekunde!!!
Time is a great rolling wheel …………... Die Zeit ist ein großes rollendes Rad
That makes only a single revolution. … Das macht nur eine einzige Revolution.
Stopping on the imaginary point ……… Beim imaginären Punkt anhalten
It started on… ……………………………... Es begann am…
Then in an attosecond ………………….. Dann in einer Attosekunde
Starting up again. ……………………….. Es geht wieder los.
An attosecond (abbreviated as as) is a unit of time in the International System of Units (SI) equal to 10−18 or (one quintillion) of a second. An attosecond is to a second as a second is to about 31.71 billion years. The attosecond is a newly discovered "slice of time" that is tiny but has various potential applications: it can observe oscillating molecules, the chemical bonds formed by atoms in chemical reactions, and other extremely tiny and extremely fast things. The crystal lattice vibrates and molecules rotate on a scale of picoseconds. The creation and breaking of chemical bonds and molecular vibrations happen on a scale of femtoseconds. Observing the motion of electrons happens on a scale of attoseconds. - ===============
Eine Attosekunde (abgekürzt als as) ist eine Zeiteinheit im Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI), die 10−18 oder (einer Trillion) einer Sekunde entspricht. Eine Attosekunde verhält sich zu einer Sekunde wie eine Sekunde zu etwa 31,71 Milliarden Jahren. Die Attosekunde ist ein neu entdeckter „Zeitabschnitt“, der winzig ist, aber vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bietet: Er kann oszillierende Moleküle, die chemischen Bindungen, die Atome bei chemischen Reaktionen bilden, und andere extrem kleine und extrem schnelle Dinge beobachten. Das Kristallgitter vibriert und Moleküle rotieren im Pikosekundenbereich. Das Entstehen und Aufbrechen chemischer Bindungen und molekularer Schwingungen geschehen im Bereich von Femtosekunden. Die Beobachtung der Bewegung von Elektronen erfolgt auf einer Skala von Attosekunden. -, ---------------------------
(2235 & 2237) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Partly Cloudy Day, 2:35 pm (March 27, 2024)
(2241 & 2242) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Partly Cloudy Day, 4:14 pm (March 27, 2024)
(2243 & 2244) ACL-ETSU, 10:00am - Noon, (March 28, 2024)
(2245 & 2249) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Day, 1:46 pm (March 28, 2024)
(2250 & 2251) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Day, 1:48 pm (March 28, 2024)
(2253 & 2244) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Day, 4:24 pm (March 28, 2024)
(2256 & 2257) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Morning, 10:45 am (March 29, 2024)
(2258 & 2259) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Morning, 10:45 am (March 29, 2024)
(2260 - 2262) Beautiful Spring Colors on a Sunny Morning, 10:47 am (March 29, 2024)
(2265), OPINION: ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT ELECTRIC VEHICLES? by Dave Hrivnak, Johnson City Press, (Mar. 30, 2024)
If you are interested in this article, I recommend Dave's book. - MAP (March 30, 2024), Wenn dieser Artikel Ihnen interessiert, empfehle ich Daves Buch. - MAP (30. März 2024)
(2268 - 2270), Lunaria and Narcissus, 5:44 pm, EASTER EVE, (March 30, 2024)
GERMANY IN USA, ---------------------------
GERMANY FOR AMERICANS, NEWSLETTER, ---------------------------
GERMAN MISSIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, Welcome to the Website of the German Embassy Washington and the eight German Consulates General in the United States: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and San Francisco.
If you are interested in Germany, the United States of America, and the whole world, I recommend the three websites above. - MAP (March 30, 2024), Wenn man an Deutschland, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und die ganze Welt sich interessiert sei, empfehle ich die drei Webseiten oben. - MAP (30. März 2024)
E-MAIL, for Mark and Jeanie from Rosa with 2 pictures below, (March 31, 2024)
Dear Mark and Jeanie,
Happy Easter …
and greetings from the North Sea.
Rosa 🌹
(ROSA1, 240331 & ROSA2, 240331) HAPPY EASTER… (March 31, 2024)
Die Nordsee (veraltet Westsee, Deutsches Meer) ist ein Randmeer des Atlantischen Ozeans. Sie ist ein Schelfmeer und liegt im nordwestlichen Europa. Bis auf die Meerengen beim Ärmelkanal und beim Skagerrak ist sie auf drei Seiten von Land begrenzt und öffnet sich trichterförmig zum nordöstlichen Atlantik. In einem 150-Kilometer-Bereich an der Küste leben rund 80 Millionen Menschen.
Die Nordsee selbst ist ein wichtiger Handelsweg und dient als Zugang Mittel- und Nordeuropas zu den Weltmärkten. Die südliche Nordsee ist zusammen mit dem angrenzenden Ärmelkanal die am dichtesten befahrene Schifffahrtsregion der Welt. Unter dem Meeresboden befinden sich größere Erdöl- und Erdgasreserven, die seit den 1970er Jahren gefördert werden. Kommerzielle Fischerei hat den Fischbestand des Meeres in den letzten Jahrzehnten vermindert. Umweltveränderungen entstehen auch dadurch, dass die Abwässer aus Nordeuropa und Teilen Mitteleuropas direkt oder über die angrenzende Ostsee in das Meer fließen. - ---------------------------
The North Sea (outdated West Sea, German Sea) is a margin of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a shelf sea and is located in northwestern Europe. Except for the meetings at the English Channel and Skagrak, it is limited on three sides from land and opens up to the northeastern Atlantic. Around 80 million people live in a 150-kilometer area on the coast.
The North Sea itself is an important trade route and serves as an access to Central and Northern Europe to the world markets. Together with the adjacent English Channel, the southern North Sea is the most densely used shipping region in the world. Under the sea floor there are larger oil and natural gas reserves that have been funded since the 1970s. Commercial fishing has reduced the fish's fish stock in recent decades. Environmental changes also arise from the fact that wastewater from Northern Europe and parts of Central Europe flow into the sea directly or via the adjacent Baltic Sea. -, ---------------------------