GERMAN-ENGLISH WEEKLY JOURNAL by Mark Alan Pollock, (November 5-12, 2023)

Nov 05, 2023 20:01

Mark Alan Pollock, (November 5-12, 2023)

(1328 & 1330), Mark Pollock, 11:43 PM (4.NOV.2023) & 4:40 PM (5.NOV.2023)
Das deutsche Wort „Kamin“ klingt ähnlich wie die englischen Wörter “Come in.” Links im Schatten kann man die Kaminbesteck beobachten. - MARK
The German word “Kamin” sounds similar to the English words “Come in.” On the left in the shade you can see the fireplace tools. -
Callicarpa americana, the American beautyberry, is an open-habitat, native shrub of the Southern United States which is often grown as an ornamental in gardens and yards. American beautyberries produce large clusters of purple berries, which birds and deer eat, thus distributing the seeds. -
Callicarpa Americana, die amerikanische Schönheitsbeere, ist ein offener Strauch der südlichen Vereinigten Staaten, der in Gärten und Yards oft als Zierleiter angebaut wird. Amerikanische Schönheitsbeeren produzieren große Gruppen von lila Beeren, die Vögel und Hirsche fressen und so die Samen verteilen. -

(1333 & 1335 & 1336), Mark Pollock, 4:55 PM, (5.NOV.2023)
Das Erntedankfest ist das Thema der Szene unter dem Ahornbaum in der Nachbarschaft. Die Nachbarin hat das Wort „dankbar“ am Ufer der Straße neben dem Baum geschrieben. - MARK
The Thanksgiving Festival is the subject of the scene under the maple tree in the neighborhood. The neighbor wrote the word "grateful" on the shore (curb) of the street next to the tree. -
E-MAIL, from friends about OKLAHOMA, 4:16 PM, (5.NOV.2023)
We watched the UNCSA video of their stage production the other night. Everything was done perfectly. - Jerry & Henrietta
Wir haben uns neulich Abend das UNCSA-Video ihrer Bühnenproduktion angesehen. Alles wurde perfekt erledigt. -
University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) -
The University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA) is an arts school in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It grants a high school diploma, in addition to both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Founded in 1963 as the North Carolina School of the Arts by then-Governor Terry Sanford, it was the first public arts conservatory in the United States. The school owns and operates the Stevens Center in Downtown Winston-Salem and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The school consists of five professional schools: School of Dance, School of Design & Production (including a HS Visual Arts Program), School of Drama, School of Filmmaking, and School of Music. - Introduction: This article is very interesting and informative. - MARK

(1344 & 1347), Mark Pollock, 4:29 PM, (6.NOV.2023)
Dieser amerikanische Kakibaum ist ungefähr 50 Meter hoch. In der Krone sieht man viele Pflaumen und eine Gruppe Mistel. - MARK
This American persimmon tree is approximately 50 meters tall. In the crown you can see many plums and a group of mistletoe. -

(1349 & 1355), Mark Pollock, 4:12 & 4:22 PM, (7.NOV.2023)
Pinus mugo, known as dwarf mountain pine, mountain pine, scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine, bog pine, creeping pine, or mugo pine, is a species of conifer, native to high elevation habitats from southwestern to Central Europe and Southeast Europe. -
Pinus Mugo, bekannt als Dwarf Mountain Pine, Mountain Pine, Scrub Mountain Pine, Swiss Mountain Pine, Moor Pine, Creeping Pine oder Mugo Pine, ist eine Art von Nadelbäumen, die in hohen Erhöhungsräumen von Südwesten bis in Mitteleuropa und im Südosten Europas beheimatet sind. -

(1356 & 1357), Mark Pollock, 4:32 & 4:37 PM, (7.NOV.2023)
A wreath is an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs, or various materials that is constructed to form a circle. In English-speaking countries, wreaths are used typically as household ornaments, most commonly as an Advent and Christmas decoration. They are also used in ceremonial events in many cultures around the globe. They can be worn as a chaplet around the head, or as a garland around the neck. -
Ein Kranz ist eine Zusammenstellung von Blumen, Blättern, Früchten, Zweigen oder verschiedenen Materialien, die zu einem Kreis zusammengesetzt sind. Im englischsprachigen Raum werden Kränze typischerweise als Haushaltsschmuck verwendet, am häufigsten als Advents- und Weihnachtsdekoration. Sie werden auch bei zeremoniellen Veranstaltungen in vielen Kulturen rund um den Globus verwendet. Sie können als Kranz um den Kopf oder als Girlande um den Hals getragen werden. -

(1358 & 1359), Mark Pollock, 4:48 & 4:52 PM, (7.NOV.2023)

(1361 & 1362), Mark Pollock, 4:57 & 5:01 PM, (7.NOV.2023)
Die Abendsonne erleuchtet die Kronen der Bäume (die Baumkronen). - MARK
The evening sun illuminates the crowns of the trees (the treetops). -

(Meet Ryan Clark.ppt), Screen Shot by Mark Pollock, 12:07 PM, (2.OCT.2023)
Am 16. Oktober hat Herr Ryan Clark von der Firma BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS uns besucht, um die zwei großen Pekannuss-Bäume zu prüfen. Am 17. Oktober habe ich den Kontrakt unterschrieben. Am 9. November wird die Arbeit stattfinden. - MARK
On October 16th, Mr. Ryan Clark from Bartlett Tree Experts visited us to check the two large pecan trees. On October 17th, I signed the contract. The work will take place on November 9th. -
Der Pekannussbaum (Carya illinoinensis), eine andere Schreibweise ist Pecannussbaum, ist eine Pflanzenart der Hickory (Carya) innerhalb der Familie der Walnussgewächse (Juglandaceae). Er ist in Nordamerika beheimatet und liefert die Pekannüsse. -
The Pekanussbaum (Carya Illinoinensis), a different spelling is a Pecannussbaum, is a plant species of the Hickory (Carya) within the family of walnut plants (Juglandaceae). It is native to North America and delivers the pecans. -
League of Women Voters of Tennessee,


(1363 & 1364 & 1365), Mark Pollock, 8:37 AM, (9.NOV.2023)
Tyler, Chandler, George und Harrison sind bereit zu arbeiten. - MARK
Tyler, Chandler, George, and Harrison are ready to work. -
Bald wird Adam zurückkommen, um beide Bäume zu düngen. - MARK
Soon Adam will return to fertilize both trees. -
----------------------------- (9.NOV.2023), Awkward Grace by Jeff McCord, (15.APR.2008)

Dr. Jeff McCord assumed leadership of Northeast State in September 2022. Prior to his selection as president, Dr. McCord served as the Commissioner for the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development in from January 2019 until September 2022. Under McCord’s leadership as Commissioner, Tennessee developed its first multi-agency comprehensive workforce development strategy, grew employment to the highest level in state history, and raised apprenticeships to the highest level in state history.

Previously, McCord spent several years in higher education primarily focusing on workforce development including: leading the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing, a nationally recognized technical training facility; leading the development of Tennessee’s first registered apprenticeship program through a post-secondary institution; and serving as the lead administrator for the award-winning Kingsport Academic Village.

McCord also spent over twenty years in business and industry holding a variety of leadership positions primarily in a Fortune 500 company. He has specific experience related to corporate learning and development, organizational effectiveness, process improvement, and information technology.

President McCord is a writer and Twilight Times Books published his debut novel Awkward Grace in 2008. He has also written more than 500 columns for two Tennessee newspapers. McCord received his Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia Tech. He went on to earn a Master of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University and his Doctorate in Learning & Leadership from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
About the author
Over the past fifteen years, I've been fortunate to publish short stories and essays in a variety of periodicals. I've also had the opportunity to work as an editorial columnist for two Tennessee newspapers. I was born and raised with my three brothers in Sandy Springs, Georgia, and now live with my wife and three children in Kingsport, Tennessee. Awkward Grace is my first novel.
In the small African nation of Burundi, a government incited massacre makes Mevin Ntwari a refugee. In the hills of East Tennessee, a reluctant sense of duty compels Ben Bellamy to lead his church’s outreach committee. And somewhere between these two events, faith inspires an unlikely connection.

Not all of Mevin’s family escapes the horror of genocide, but along with his brother he finally makes his way to America. Waiting for him is Ben, a man whose natural goodness outshines the obstacles inherent in welcoming a stranger to Appalachia. Having only honest hearts in common, the men struggle to find their way together. But through a sort of awkward grace, the men uncover a friendship that “only poets and old cowboy movies” seem to understand. With Ben’s help, Mevin thrives in his new country. And when Ben becomes ill, Mevin becomes his salvation.

The story is representative of the thousands of Burundian and Rwandan refugees who escaped their countries’ genocides and with the help of ordinary people made new lives in America - even in Appalachia.

"...Because of its universal appeal and because there are life lessons to be learned in Awkward Grace, which is never, ever preachy in its tone, I recommend this book not only to other adults, but believe it would be suitable for teens as well. There is a positive, uplifting tone throughout the book that can't help but affect the reader for the better." -- L. L. Woodard for

"This is a book about love, but it is not a love story. This is a book about war and hate and genocide, but, as I told you, it is about love. It is a book about God, without being in any way sanctimonious or telling you what you ought to be doing or thinking. It is a beautiful book: its language is like poetry, its characters wonderful, strong, and real, its descriptions vivid and graphic. With all that, it has humor that will sometimes have you laughing out loud at others smiling a bittersweet smile--and yet, it is also an inspirational book that will bring tears to your eyes, no matter how tough you think yourself to be." ~ Dr. Bob Rich, writer, mudsmith, & psychologist -

(1368 & 1372), Mark Pollock, 5:23 & 5:25 PM, (9.NOV.2023)
Heute Abend machte ich nur einen kurzen Spaziergang. In der Dämmerung kann man noch schöne Aufnahmen mit dem Handy machen. Die Holz-Platte ist künstlerisch und komisch. - MARK
This evening, I just went for a short walk. At dusk, you can still take beautiful photos with your cell phone. The wood panel is artistic and comical. -

(1373 & 1377), Mark Pollock, 5:28 & 5:29 PM, (9.NOV.2023)
Heute Abend ist der Sonnenuntergang um 17:27 Uhr. Die Farben des Weihnachtsbaums stehen für alle Menschen der Erde. - MARK
Tonight, sunset is at 5:27 p.m. The colors of the Christmas tree represent all people on earth. -
E-MAIL, Videos from DANK,, 11:15 AM, (10.NOV.2023)
10 Things to do in Nuremberg, Germany travel guide - (10Min19sec)

(1379 & 1380), Mark Pollock, 2:06 PM, (10.NOV.2023)
Der Rosenbusch (der Rosenstrauch) hat viele gefrorene Rosen, aber eine schöne rote Rose versteckt sich unten nahe der Erde. - MARK
The rose bush (the rose bush) has many frozen roses, but a beautiful red rose is hiding below near the ground. -

(1384 & 1385), Mark Pollock, 2:36 PM, (10.NOV.2023)
Das kleine Haus sieht gut neben dem roten Busch aus. Zwei Kürbislaternen sitzen auf der Treppe. - MARK
The small house looks good next to the red bush. Two jack-o-lanterns sit on the stairs. -

(1381 & 1382), Mark Pollock, 2:18 PM, (10.NOV.2023)

(1386 & 1387), Mark Pollock, 2:49 PM, (10.NOV.2023)
Der erste japanische Ahornbaum ist älter und röter als der Zweite. - MARK
The first Japanese maple tree is older and redder than the second. -

(1389 & 1391), Mark Pollock, 12:45 & 12:50 PM, (11.NOV.2023)
Als ich im Supermarkt Kroger war, kaufte ich die herbstfarbigen geschnittenen Blumen für meine Frau. Sie war sehr überrascht und erfreut das Geschenkt zu bekommen. - MARK
When I was at the Kroger supermarket, I bought the fall-colored cut flowers for my wife. She was very surprised and pleased to receive the gift. -
The Kroger Co. ist mit einem Umsatz von über 148 Milliarden US-Dollar (2022) die größte Lebensmittel-Supermarktkette und der drittgrößte Einzelhändler in den USA. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Cincinnati ist im Aktienindex S&P 500 gelistet. Im Jahr 2023 beschäftigte Kroger 430.000 Mitarbeiter und betrieb rund 2.700 Märkte in 35 Bundesstaaten. Ferner sind an die Märkte 2.255 eigene Apotheken und 1.545 eigene Tankstellen angegliedert. Laut eigenen Angaben ist Kroger durch den Verkauf von Blumen in seinen Märkten der weltweit größte Florist. -
The Kroger Co. is the largest grocery supermarket chain and third largest retailer in the United States, with sales of over $148 billion (2022). The company, based in Cincinnati, is listed in the S&P 500 stock index. As of 2023, Kroger employed 430,000 people and operated approximately 2,700 stores in 35 states. There are also 2,255 pharmacies and 1,545 gas stations affiliated with the stores. Kroger says it is the world's largest florist by selling flowers in its stores. -
Der kleine Baum sei ein Pekannuss-Baum. - MARK
The small tree is (might be) a pecan tree. - & (MARK)

(1392 & 1393), Mark Pollock, 12:53 PM, (11.NOV.2023)
Im Jahre 1978 war der Pekannussbaum im ersten Bild nur ein Sämling. Heute kann ich nicht den Stamm mit den Händen zusammen umarmen. - MARK
In 1978, the pecan tree in the first picture was just a seedling. Today I can't hug the trunk with my hands together. -

(1395 & 1399-1400), Mark Pollock, 12:56 & 12:57 PM, (11.NOV.2023)
Im ersten Bild sind alle Wespen weggegangen für den Winter. Das Nest in der Erde ist leer. - MARK
In the first picture all the wasps have left for the winter. The nest in the ground is empty. -
Es gibt noch ein Nest in der Nähe. Im zweiten Bild kann man die gelb und schwarz gestreifte Wespe in der südwestlichen Ecke des Bildes. Sie fliegt nach Hause. Im dritten Bild ist sie vor dem Eingang des Nestes. - MARK
There is another nest nearby. In the second picture you can see the yellow and black striped wasp in the southwest corner of the picture. She flies home. In the third picture she is in front of the entrance to the nest. -

(1394 & 1401), Mark Pollock, 12:55 & 12:59 PM, (11.NOV.2023)
Letzten Herbst habe ich die Samen in der Erde ausgesät. Diesen Herbst ist der Bäumchen doch 24 Zoll (60,96 Zentimeter) hoch. Viele Pflaumen hängen noch am amerikanischen Kakibaum. - MARK
Last fall I sowed the seeds in the ground. This fall the tree is 24 inches (60.96 centimeters) tall. Many plums still hang on the American persimmon tree. -

culture, lifelong learning, community, music, history, trees, government, economics, art, climate, home projects

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