The Rest of My Life

Jul 26, 2008 17:51

First, All the Constellations:
Chapter 18: Hate/Love
Chapter 19: How Do You Feel About It?

Ugh. I only have a month left until school starts. And I am REALLY dreading it. Like, I know my classes will be fine, but I really am not holding out much hope for my social life. People ask me when I'm returning to school, and I want to say "As late as humanly possible." And UGH, I have to deal with recruitment again (the sorority girls at school are like drug pushers; they think EVERYBODY should go Greek). URGH!! And it sucks because I can't go home as much as I did last year because my ride home (Sarah) is getting a job in Fulton and is only going home once a month. I'm trying to keep a positive mind here, I really am, but this is really hard for me. And I have a bad feeling that this is NOT going to be a good semester for me.

But enough of that drearyness!! On to happier body art! I currently only have one tattoo, but I'm really itching to get a second one (four pink and purple stars on my right shoulder. I know, very cliche and girly, but I don't care). I also want to get the Coexist symbol between my shoulder blades because religious tolerance is something I feel very strongly about.
I'd also like the words "Que sera, sera" (Whatever will be, will be) on my ankle--"que sera, sera" is my mantra whenever I feel overwhelmed.
And finally...I'd really like to get a tattoo of Batgirl. Preferably a chibi Batgirl, actually. Why Batgirl? Because Barbara Gordon is one of my fictional heroes (right up there with Heather Wells). She's the greatest librarian like, ever. Not only does she RUN the Gotham City Public Library, she FIGHTS CRIME. Hello? How awesome is that?! I wanted a tattoo that represented the library in some way, and when I remembered that Batgirl was a librarian, I knew I had found the tattoo for me :D I don't know quite where I want it, but I know for sure that is what I want :D

I'm currently scheming on how to raise funds for my next doll. I'm definitely going to get Jade and Sol--I REALLY love those two boys--but I'm on the lookout for another girl, too. I just don't know who yet. See, I want a girl who can be Mia without makeup on. Although I do like Celsiy, I'm not so sure she screams "Mia" to me. I've been perusing through the Pictionary threads, but nobody is really saying "Mia" to me, except for perhaps Chill. My other thought was to perhaps commission a custom, but I'm a real big fan of stock girls, so I dunno. Anybody have any suggestions?

And finally, for your entertainment....I found this little note on my neighbor's door. For the past week, they've been packing up all their stuff because they were being evicted. Well, they left town Thursday, but when I came home from Six Flags on Friday, I saw a bunch of notes on their front door (this being one of them). I guess anything my neighbors didn't need (including frozen food!) they donated to a local charity....who didn't really appreciate the donation (in their defense, it was all crap that should have been thrown away).

What makes it so funny isn't the fact that the charity hunted down my neighbors and took the time to leave the note....but they actually RETURNED my neighbors "donations" and left them on the driveway. Because putting them in the dumpster would have been too charitable?!?

I submitted this gem to because it needs to be shared.
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