
Jul 03, 2008 20:48

It's Thursday! That means a new chapter of "All the Constellations"
Chapter 14: All Great Stories....

Dolly News:
While shooting photos for the Hall of Fame contest at HoP, this happened:

Wtf, Micah. You were supposed to be Jana's boyfriend. Oh well. This happens sometimes. Gideon was supposed to be Natalie's boyfriend. You all see how that worked out. Anyway, Micah and Eva will have a small (but sweet) story in All the Constellations...soon. I think. I'll have to check my notes.

But! I had a really good storyline for Jana and her boyfriend, so obviously, I have to buy a new boy. And here he is:

I haven't bought him yet, but as soon as I saw Jade, I knew he was the one for Jana. I already have his backstory all figured out and everything. It's going to be delicious. But, obviously, it won't be until October. You know, when he gets here.

So, the first time I saw this boy:

I was in love. But when I saw his outfit today, I was a little...put off. I thought: "God, he's dressed like a male stripper." And then it hit me: he was MADE for Mia!!! Stripper love! It's perfect! Yeah, but he probably won't get here until around Christmas, so we won't get to THAT story line for another six months.

And of course, I need Celsiy for what Mia looks like under her makeup:

Sheesh. When was the last time I had a Pullip wishlist?!

As for the rest of my life, it's kind of sad right now. All I do is stay at home and cook and read. I'm also taking a Sign Language class on Tuesday nights with my friend Becky. That's pretty fun :D The rest of my time is spent watching reality television and looking for schools I can transfer to.

Oh yes, that. See, I realized that I'm not really happy at Westminster. I don't have that many close friends there, and the only social life to speak of is hard partying at the frat houses. And yeah, I don't party. I have no desire to get drunk off my ass and never remember anything about my weekends. The only thing for girls to do is join a sorority, and our sororities at school are just WROUGHT with MIDDLE SCHOOL drama. Seriously, at room pick, they were practically throwing tantrums because they couldn't get the rooms they wanted.

It seems that everyone else I know is looking forward to get back to school, but I really am not. I'm almost kind of dreading it. It shouldn't be like that. College should be an enjoyable experience, and right now, it's really not for me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the academic environment. But the social environment is just as important. And right now, I don't know if the pros are outweighing the ever-increasing list of cons.

I still want to stay in Missouri or eastern Illinois, so that's where I'm starting my search. Sigh. It's like my senior year of college all over again.
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