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Jan 20, 2006 14:54

1) I'm curious.
2) I haven't posted this since August.
3) I needed to download the thing for the new computer.
4) I'm still trying to make up for three days of non-posts.

Top Commenters on herrgooch's LiveJournal
(Self comments excluded from rankings)

1miranda_rae 220
2wintress 57
3lambertman 52
4sheryls 41
5ewokgirl 36
6iniswitryn 22
7zilpha 17
8goovie 16
9crimsonace1 15
10talcotts 1411cleverduck 12
12febrile 10
13soccersprout91 9
14111466 8
14lilacgirl913 8
16Anonymous 7
17crookedheart 6
18bleuvalentines 4
18valjean615 4
20nicka2380 3
21elizawrites 2
21cloakedstoat 2
21chandler_is_emo 2
21explosivo 2
21berriest_eri 2
26grither 1
26pixie_riot 1
26hkath 1
Total Commenters: 29 (1 not shown)
Total Comments: 958
Report generated 1/20/2006 2:44:55 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.6

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