
Apr 30, 2008 11:52

... from the most recent arrival to the flist, ying_ko_4

1) Do you believe that you can change someone?
I believe you can change yourself. I believe that, in setting an example (either good or bad), you can inspire other people to change themselves. But I don't believe that you can change someone else... at least, not within the spirit of the question.

2) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be?
Our wedding was in the courthouse. Finances were a factor, but not a major one. The most important part of the wedding is who you're with, not where the ceremony is held. I have no plans to get married again... polygamy's illegal (and even as an academic exercise, the logistics are mindblowing), and even with its challenges, our marriage is the best thing that's happened to me. If it ends unexpectedly, I'll either be dead or so close to it that remarrying would be the farthest thing from my mind.

3) Do you wear glasses?
Anytime I want to see, I wear corrective lenses. Lately glasses, but that's only because my contact lens prescription has expired. So, aside from sleep and shower, yes.

4) Are you loyal?
To a fault.

5) Have you hated someone in your family?
I don't think so. I mean, I certainly don't have any fond thoughts of those cousins that called me 'peanut breath' the first time we met, and I'm sure that I told one of my sisters at some point that I hated them, but hate is a strong and hurtful word and tends to be more effort than it's worth.

6) Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex?
It's not high on my list of things to do and if I die without ever kissing a man, I think I'd be ok with it. But I try not to speak in absolutes, so an adamant 'no' isn't the answer. The truth is... I'm a bit of a whore. So, if a guy wants to any of this, he needs to break out the checkbook.

7) Most visited webpage?
This one tops the list, but I'm at hotmail quite a bit. is a regular stop. And I plan regular visits to

8) Coffee or Tea?
Coffee's my choice eight times out of ten, but I'm good with either. Depends on the company and conversation.

9) What was the last book you read?
I'm reading Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope right now. Not for any political reasons... I read a few pages in a bookstore last year and finally got around to buying it during a long layover. But the last one I finished was... 2nd Chance by James Patterson. It was my third or fourth time through it.

10) Tell us something about you that possibly we don't know?
I tend to think of myself as a pretty open book, so I'm pretty sure everything's been covered at some point. But some of you might not know that I'm a packrat of the highest order. I have boxes in my closet that haven't been opened in almost 20 years.

silly meme

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