(no subject)

Dec 09, 2007 00:35

1. Canceled the Target run by picking up cat food at the grocery store. I'm pretty sure I paid more, but not when you figure in the extra bus fare.

2. Didn't get to any of the shows, but I'm still hoping to pull of the year-end show at Fitzgerald's. Y'all should come. I have a limited amount of crash space available.

3. Still haven't called Mom, and she'll be at church tomorrow. Guess the first grade teacher question will have to wait. I'm pretty sure I was in Room 4, but I might be mixing that up with Mrs. Lowe's music class in Room 5.

4. This weather, with the freezing rain that's turning my sidewalks into rinks? SUCKS!

4a. On the upside, I led an impromptu parade up Rockwell tonight, as my shining example of walking-in-the-street-to-avoid-the-glazed-sidewalks proved enticing to my fellow pedestrians. Sure, there were only six of us, but a small parade is still a parade.

5. I think I'm going to lose another fish soon. This makes me sad.

6. I should go to bed and try to reacquire a decent sleep schedule. I'm not going to, but I recognize that I should.

7. T's coming home next weekend! And again the weekend after! \o/

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