Jun 30, 2003 15:32
Eh, haven't written in a while. Not sure I'm in the mood, but what the hell I'll give it a shot. Ummm... so I went to Inspector7 in Newyork and Newjersey. Excellent, excellent is all I have to say. The newyork scene is outstanding. I don't think I've ever seen so many sexy skinheads in one room at once. This is also the first show I've gone to where skins seem to be the majority and the place was packed. It was quite funny actually. see i kinda forgot your not supposed to smoke in bars in newyork so I was pretty much the only bad ass smoking at the show. I kept wondering why everyone was going outside between bands. Ha ha, turns out they where going for cigarette breaks. (oops) Anyways, no one said shit to me I smoked almost half a pack indoors till out of respect for the law I started going outside with the rest of the smokers.
Newjersey was good except for the unfortunate fact that it was over run with crusties and some hippies. but aye, you win some you lose some. Ha ha and after the show a bunch of us went to the diner when we left there was a table of black folk who looked very angry. They kinda stared at us wispered to eachother and gave us that look like, "yeah you besta get the fuck out." Ha ha ha, I think the only thing that saved us was our token black guy. Hmm Forgot his name though. His friends kinda just brought him along. He didn't know what was going on, for like the first 5 hours he had no Idea we weren't nazi's. Poor kid musta been shitting his pants. I don't know how the conversation started up but next thing I know we're all sitting around pow-wow style telling this kid the skinhead history. He was so relieved and was all smiles for the rest of the night. Other shit happend but I'm feinding for a smoke. Cheers!