A sad day.

May 05, 2004 03:15

I've noticed a disturbing trend lately. The political conversations that I enjoy so much have been disappointing. It is a sad day when we sit around and talk about candidates rather than issues. It is a sad day when the Democratic Party becomes more important than liberalism. It is a sad day when we talk about campaigns rather than making this country better by helping people in ways like improving health care and education, resurrecting competent foreign policy, implementing fair trade, and protecting civil liberties. Let it not be this day.

Granted, all of those other things have their place and are the instruments to sculp my idealistic view of the world. But it is a sad day when they replace our passionate and thought-provoking discourses on the issues that really matter. I need that inspiration and idealism; that is where my love for politics comes from, and conversations devoid of those things are disheartening. "There is some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for."

Fight for it, but keep the goal and not the means at heart.
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