о предметах, необходимых в полёте

Apr 11, 2024 15:58

A Delta passenger is calling on the airline to change its policies after she says she was escorted off a flight for not wearing a bra
[ Pete Syme Apr 4, 2024| via Business Insider ]

Lisa Archbold a.k.a. DJette Kiwii
A Delta Air Lines passenger who says she was escorted off a flight for not wearing a bra is calling on the carrier to change its policy.

Lisa Archbold was due to fly from Salt Lake City to San Francisco when airline staff, she said, took issue with her clothing - a loose white T-shirt.

The incident was in January and received some media attention, but Archbold now has legal representation. Her attorney is Gloria Allred, who has been involved in several high-profile women's rights cases - including representing women who accused Donald Trump and R. Kelly of sexual misconduct.

In a recent letter to the airline's president, Allred said Archbold wasn't questioned when she boarded the plane but was later escorted off the flight by a Delta gate agent.

Archbold said the employee told her that her outfit was "offensive" and "revealing." She was allowed to reboard the plane after putting on a button-up shirt she had tied around her waist.

"I was targeted and humiliated," Archbold said in a statement. "It felt like a scarlet letter was being attached to me."

She added: "I wore the same clothing any man might wear. I also have a chest smaller than many men on that flight. Where does Delta draw the line?"

In her letter, Allred questioned how wearing a T-shirt without a bra aligned with Delta's policy that removal could be necessary if a person's clothing caused "an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance."

She requested a meeting with Delta's president, Glen Hauenstein, to discuss a practical solution.

A Delta Air Lines spokesperson told Business Insider that the airline had contacted the customer with an apology.

This isn't the first time a woman has been taken off a flight after somebody took issue with her clothing. In 2019, an American Airlines passenger was told to wrap a blanket around her.

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