Mar 10, 2009 16:26
No fucking way! Are these the same people who I call and never pick up? The best way to contact them is to go under Cal Job's page and click on "contact us". It'll pull up a form and they'll respond in about 5-7 days. You can have them call, email, etc. I got a reply saying that "it has been processed, please wait". I had asked them about where my unemployment check was. It's middle of March now and I'm claiming for Jan! WTF!
So the business paper says on the OC Register , Feb 27. "EDD looking to hire hundreds statewide". Uh huh. Tis' true if you live in Sacramento but I cannot find the 30 vacancies in Orange County. Bunch of crock! I took the test anyways. Oh yeah, to be a Employment Program Rep, you have to take a test that consist of 84 questions that basically reconfirm your answers. (i.e. Have you ever done this? In your lifetime, have you not done this before?)I scored 90%. Yeah, I'm not perfect. Speaking of which, I got a 23 out of 28 on my Census test and they are supposed to call in March and thus far, no calls. Sucks.