Aug 02, 2006 17:16
Dangit! No matter what I try and do I can't believe that the girl I like will ever like me back! XD (Horray for my old self esteem!) It's like I really like her, but I don't think she likes me, also, I AM JUST TO FREAKING SHY!!! OH MAN WHY DID I HAVE TO GROW UP SHY AND CARE IF I GET LAUGHED AT?!?! Well maybe because if I talked to anyone when I was little they would make fun of me and laugh at me. Ohhh..So that is why I am shy and all that. Ok then, I see. Also, how the heck do I make a move? I don't know these things...That is why my last two relationships failed. Woo...Go me...I'm depressed. Stupid love things in life. I hate it.
Oh yeah on a brighter note I am a Senior. : / Woo.