Need some help for my final project

May 04, 2009 01:47

I haven't mentioned it yet in this group because it's not a heavy ig-central group, however it's getting crunch time so I figured I'd post about it.

My final project in my basic web design course is to create a webpage with 10 content, 3 pathway, and 1 home pages. Because I wanted to learn something in the process, I've decided to do it on problems & solutions in iguana care. Not a comprehensive 'how to' guide, and not one for experts, either. The 'target audience' was mostly people who had a problem or who had perhaps just need quick reference if they are new. It's a starting point, nothing else.

The site is clearly not finished...missing images, information, etc.

Think of it as an elaborate bulleted list, or Q&A.

My request is that some of you would allow me to use images and information for my "Dos and Donts" and my "Quick Reference" sections...if anyone is interested in helping out, let me know.

The following pages are done (regarding content anyway - coding not so much :P):

-Food and Feeding
-Health Concerns for Both of You
-Handling and Socialization

In progress:
-Codie's pages

Not started:
-Housing and Lighting
-Lies your Mother Told You

For the credits page I need two things: A name (or nickname) from you, and (if a photo of your iguana) your iguana's name.

I got the following (though more is always welcome!):

-Pictures or video of common Iguana behaviours
-Pictures of poor housing for iguanas
-Pictures of foods to feed an Iguana
-Pictures of proper iguana handling
-Pictures of iguana scratches
-Anecdotes of situations where poor husbandry cost a life or caused a dire situation

I need the following still:
-Pictures of an 'emergency kit'
-Pictures of Iguana wounds to humans (bites, etc)
-Pictures of an indoor cage (not made of mesh)
-Good resources for Ig owners
-Common myths and misconceptions about Igs
-Anything else you guys thing is important

Some of this I can get on my own, but mostly I need pictures of what I mentioned as my digicam has disappeared on me.

As I mentioned before, any contributions will be credited both inline and on the credits page.

Cheers and thanks for any help I get :)
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