(no subject)

Jul 01, 2018 22:23

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I just graduated (yay!), and I just finished taking all three of my state board exams. (double yay!) Now, while I'm waiting to find out if I passed and will be a licensed pharmacist before too much longer, I'm going to be working on packing, moving, and then unpacking.

This is meant to be more of an advisory notice than anything else - I'm more than happy to welcome interested parties to my friends list, but I cannot promise that I will be a good LJ friend in return in the immediate future.

I love having discussions in my LJ with my great LJ friends, so I'm not paring down my friends list as a result of this. However, I don't want people to friend me under false pretenses, so I thought I'd put this advisory note into this post to serve as "fair warning," so to speak.

So I've got filters. More than one. In part because I have so many diverse people on my flist. And when my obsessions rear their heads, I can be quite prolific. So I try to employ the use of LJ cuts a fair amount, but I also use filters to try to give my friends the ability to opt out of various topics that I talk about more than just semi-occasionally.

There's a poll below, so please read over the different filter options that I have and then vote to select which filters you'd like to be on.

FANDOM: General - If you're interested in seeing my TV reactions/spec/commentary, this would be the filter for you. Other shows that I try to watch (and sometimes LJ about) include Dark Angel (which will also be included on the JA/SPN filter), Entourage, Ghostwriter, House, How I Met Your Mother, Just Shoot Me, The Office, Psych, and a variety of other, miscellaneous things.
FANDOM: Fanfiction - Fanfiction talk. In the past, this was all Veronica Mars-centric, but since I've started dabbling in Supernatural and Dark Angel fanfic (Dean/Impala, Dean/Bela, and Alec/Max in nature, thus far), this filter is now more for general fanfic talk/musing/plotting. All actual fics and most content will be cut so you can bypass it if it's not in a fandom that appeals to you. If you'd like to read my completed fanfiction and/or see more status updates on WIP fics, you may want to join herowlness_fic, which is my fanfic community.
FANDOM: How I Met Your Mother - This is my second major fandom love. I'm a big Barney/Robin shipper, and Barney (and his awesomely gay black brother) is definitely my favorite thing about the show. This filter will include episode reaction posts, speculation, squeeing, and perhaps some spoiler notes. All spoilers will be noted and appropriately cut - even though I'm not usually a huge spoiler fiend.
FANDOM: Jensen Ackles and/or Supernatural - Jensen is my main focus on Supernatural (as he's the reason I started watching the show in the first place - although the entire show is a kick-ass kind of awesomeness), so this filter is for anyone who watches SPN or who enjoys Jensen Ackles (even if you don't watch). This filter would include SPN-specific speculation, ranting, raving, and fangirl squee after episodes. I'm not against reading spoilers for SPN (although I don't actively seek them out either), but I warn of spoilers as best I can. This filter would also include Jensen-specific details such as discussion of his roles on other shows, his upcoming projects, and links to any new photos/videos/interviews/articles/whatever that I might find. I also try to post a Jensen Photo of the Week, and that is specific to this filter.

REAL LIFE: General - Stories about my day/week/whatever. Typical LJ stuff, even if it doesn't make up the bulk of my entries.
REAL LIFE: Green Bay Packers/NFL - I've always loved the Packers [after all, I grew up in Wisconsin!], and I'll probably be making posts on occasion. Perhaps weekly, perhaps more or less often. Most content will probably be about the Packers in particular, but other generic NFL commentary/links may also be included.
REAL LIFE: Politics - I've been pretty interested in following the current Presidential election, and my preference tends to be relatively liberal. I am a big supporter of Barack Obama and some (but not all) Democratic causes. However, I'm always happy to welcome anyone - conservative, liberal, moderate, whatever - to my flist. So long as you're willing to respect my political leanings, I'm more than happy to return the favor. Anyhow, this filter is likely to include links, videos, and other politically-related content.
REAL LIFE: Ranting - Ranting about people, classes, work - whatever pisses me off will be in here. Again, I don't have too many of these entires, but they still deserve their own filter for people who prefer to avoid RL drama on their flists.
REAL LIFE: Work - I just graduated with a Pharm.D., and I'm working at Walgreens post-graduation. I can't go into detail about patients and health care and such (HIPAA and all that), but if I have a funny anecdote from an interaction with a coworker or just something interesting I learned about a given drug or treatment, that might get put in here.

Poll Filter me, baby!

And, of course, as a reminder, please comment, to let me know you're friending me, and please friend me first. If you follow those easy steps, I'll happily friend you back! Also, I make semi-occasional flocked filter posts, and I'm always happy to change your assigned filters as you see fit. :)

Welcome to my friendslist - I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. :D

lj: poll, lj: flist, lj: filter

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