
Mar 16, 2010 07:25

Player Information
Name/Nickname: Ichi
Livejournal Username: unspeakingly
AIM/MSN/Yahoo: [AIM] kowareta ichi
Timezone: Australian EST
Current Characters: N/A

Character Information
Name: The United States of America (Alfred F. Jones)
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia. He's being taken from the manga (because the anime is behind on that front), and the "point" he's taken from is 2010.
Age: 300+. Physically, and often mentally, 19.
Gender: Male
OU, AU, or RU: OU
Assignment: Hawking.

Appearance: ♥!
History: His full history and his wiki page, which discusses his history as it was portrayed in the series.

Personality: The first thing one will notice about America is that he is extremely obnoxious. He's loud, almost constantly cheery and excited, self-centred and seemingly completely oblivious to everyone else around him. It takes very little to send him off on a tangent of his own, and from there, nothing else matters to him - he won't listen to anyone else when he's in that sort of mood. His obliviousness is stretched so far that he can't actually read the atmosphere of a situation - but most of the times, it's less that it goes over his head and more that he just ignores it.

America is probably the absolute picture of self-confidence; it's very hard for most people to make him feel inadequate, or for them to snub him at all, because he's just so sure of himself. He's hard to pin down or understand in conversation, because he talks fast and follows his own train of thought that doesn't really connect to anyone else's. It's thanks to this that he has ridiculous ideas that he suggests, and expects everyone to take them seriously - partly because of that ridiculous flaw of self-assurance, and partly because he sometimes doesn't see how stupid the ideas really are.

Usually, he means all of this well, though. He has a massive hero complex, and in all honesty, a lot of the things he tries to do are because he's trying to help people, whether it be his people, a fellow nation, or the world as a whole. Unfortunately, it's hard to make him let go of his idea of what is "right" or good for people, because he's a very young, naive nation and he sees the world in quite a black-and-white way. He really holds justice and freedom in a high regard, and he likes to think that everyone should have their own choices. He's also very determined once he sets his mind to something, and won't back down without a good reason.

He does have his moments of seriousness, though, especially when it comes to the well-being of his people and country, or the topic of war, and this is where his determination, bravery and his hero complex come to fruition; he becomes an excellent leader, commander and incredible nation as a whole, and it's thanks to this that he usually comes out victorious in a battle. As long as he has something important to fight for, he's an amazing country - however, it's usually his headstrong nature and his habit of doing or saying things without thinking before or after that lead to fights in the first place, so a lot of his good qualities are negated by the situation. He can also tend to be paranoid or unreasonable at times, even (or especially) during serious matters.

In some cases, America is even more childish than usual, and he becomes a mocking, immature brat - this usually involves England or Russia, the first being his ex-caretaker who he argues with to hide the fact that he still cares about him and laments on many things from before, during and after his War of Independence, and the second being his long-standing enemy who he often taunts and provokes just for the sake of doing so. He's really quite good at holding a grudge, although in some cases he'll completely forget about it or the reason as to why he was mad in the first place.

Other than that, he's pretty much a typical teenager, and a stereotype of an American; he likes fast food, video games and all aspects of American pop culture, he's madly against communism, he's absolutely terrified of horror movies and ghosts, and he does try to be a friendly guy most of the time - however, due to the fact that he's running around a lot, his only friends are Japan and England.

Strengths: When America was a child, he already had abnormal strength, and that's only been kept up thanks to his obsession with exercising, so he's quite fit too. He's also a good shot with most kinds of guns, and he's probably trained in basic combat. He's got a lot of charisma, so he can round up troops well, and he's had plenty of practice and experience in military command.

Usually, he would be completely "immortal", in that he doesn't really age, and he cannot die unless the country itself ceases to exist, but obviously, the second part of that won't be put into play here - it'll only be that he doesn't age at all. He has a pretty high threshold for pain, though (but he'll whine about it anyway).

In his repertoire of stupider skills, he's got a ridiculous appetite and can stomach even things that would usually be inedible thanks to his lack of taste. And he's not bad at video games!

Weaknesses: Without his country's immortality, he's about as fragile as any other human being at his level of good health, which means he can be killed and wounded easily enough. He's also pretty clumsy and stupid at times.

He can't cook for himself aside from hamburgers, either.


It said a lot about America when the first thought that dragged its way into his head upon waking up and feeling like he had gone ten rounds on some kind of whirling theme park ride was, Man, I knew I shouldn't have eaten those fifty hamburgers yesterday.

He opened his eyes then, expecting to have to roll over and slap around a bit in the desperate search for his alarm, but he instead found himself looking up at a strange man that definitely shouldn't have been in his house.

Of course, he then looked around, realised that this was not his house, and immediately leapt from the bed, nearly kicking the stranger in the face as he threw himself over the side. "Hey! You can't kidnap me! I'm the United States of Ameri--" He wobbled suddenly and gulped back a gag, keeling forwards onto the bed just as the man started to speak.

America wasn't listening. He was more enthralled by the fact that the man was rippling. Slowly, supporting himself along the edge of the bed, he stood and began to move around the room, looking at everything with wonder. A floating desk. Out the window--out the window there were stars. Space wasn't a new concept to the world, but this - this was. This was incredible.

"Woah... What is this?"

"The ship is currently on a very important mission."

Attention caught, he turned around and tuned back in, doing his best to concentrate and sort through all of the scientific mumbo-jumbo the guy was spouting to gather the details of why he was here. A mission; people that needed help. And he - him, of all people - was being asked to help.

In an amazing show of focus for America, he listened to the rest of the speech, and turned the information over in his head - normally, the idea of being a hero was great and he was all too happy to get a chance to prove himself as the incredible nation he was, but he had his own people to help, back home. That dampened the mood a bit, but as the weird guy (damn, he probably should have listened and gotten his name) had said, he was here anyway. There was no going home yet, no matter what he said.

So what harm was there? He could be the hero and get himself home, right back to the same spot where he left, so nobody would even miss him!

You could be killed, chided a strangely British-sounding voice in the back of his mind.

"You could be killed," he mimicked in a high-pitched tone with a dreadful impersonation of the accent and huffed. "Yeah, well, that could happen anyway, right?

He was over to the desk before any more of those thoughts could creep up on him, and he practically slammed his hand onto the blue panel, chattering away immediately. "Of course I'll join you! What kind of a hero would I be if I didn't? I'll show everyone in the universes not to mess with the United States of America and its allies - that's you, by the way. Yeah! I'll even ally with you! I'm normally neutral, but this is totally unforgivable! ... Oh, yeah! And what's your na--"

He pitched forward onto the desk and tried not to vomit when the nausea struck him in waves again.
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