Hi, friends! It’s been a little while since I’ve updated this thing. It’s been a busy couple of months! I spent half of the month of May on the road, with visits to New York City, Syracuse, and Toronto. My first book, CRYING IN FRONT OF YOUR DOG AND OTHER STORIES, debuted at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival in May, which was awesome. TCAF is always wonderful and having a book come out at the festival only made it better. After that I was back in San Diego for just two weeks before I packed everything up and moved back to upstate, NY. Anyways, let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
The first important thing I have to tell you about is that both of my new books are now available online! CRYING IN FRONT OF YOUR DOG AND OTHER STORIES can be
purchased from the Grimalkin Press website and BENIGN KINGDOM: PHIL McANDREW can be
purchased from the Benign Kingdom website. Please, do yourself a favor and go order these if you haven’t already! Both books came out beautifully, even better than I’d hoped they would.
Next thing: Up above, at the start of this post, is the variant cover I drew for the upcoming ADVENTURE TIME SUMMER SPECIAL comic book. It should be hitting stores towards the end of this month, I think. Thanks to Shannon Watters at BOOM! Studios for letting me do another fun cover illustration job. I’m pretty darn proud of this one. You can click the image to see a slightly larger version.
This next thing (above) is a limited edition print that Grimalkin Press will be giving out along with every copy of CRYING IN FRONT OF YOUR DOG AND OTHER STORIES that was pre-ordered. So if you pre-ordered a copy of my book through Grimalkin Press, you’ll be getting one of these. The prints won’t be available anywhere else ever again!
The George W. Bush National Monument! I drew this for the fun of it.
This little portrait is of course of another villain: Jay Leno. This is on one of several bonus cards that I wrote and illustrated for the Machine of Death card game that is coming out (I think) later this summer. The bonus cards were an incentive for people that
supported the project on Kickstarter.
Here is a drawing of a naked butt and a mosquito. I drew this for a little zine about bugs that my brother and our friend Brett are putting together.
Last but not least, I drew this for my friend
Meg Hunt, for her upcoming JOIN TOGETHER show in Portland, OR. I’ll have more details on that for you later!
Originally published at
Phil McAndrew Illustrations & Comics. You can comment here or