apparently i'm on a movie roll. which is a good thing because i'm way way behind

Apr 20, 2012 01:49

Rango - Weirdness with lizards. Also, there's some weird furry animal thing that totally looks like an ewok in there. I'm still not entirely sure what it was about. I got up to pee twice and ended up entirely lost.

Sliding Doors - I remember seeing this movie forever ago and really liking it. I still liked it. John Hannah is one of my favourite actors. He's adorable.

The Accidental Husband - Funnier than I expected, but also worse overall than I expected. But I got about half an hour into it and figured I may as well finish.

I Love You Phillip Morris - Also not what I was expecting. Creepy in a lot of ways, but I actually liked it quite a bit.

The Ramen Girl - Culturally really insulting, but enough of a feel-good movie that I don't really care all that much.

Serenity - I stopped before the sad bit. If you've seen it you know what I mean. Still counting it, though. Just didn't want to see that all over again. it sucked enough the first dozen times.

OH! And I've completely been forgetting. Mara and I saw The Hunger Games a while ago. I already spewed my feelings about it. Worse than the books, better than I was expecting. Not that many complaints about casting.

The whole list is here.

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movies 365 (2012)

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