I feel disappointed today. :(
I've just found out that another NejiHina fan on Deviantart supposedly wrote this NejiHina "essay," except a third of it was direct copy/paste from
my own essay, another third of it was direct para-phrasing just with bad English. And with that in mind, she had the guts to brag about how She wrote all that, without Ever mentioning me a single time.
In fact, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and look through her comment area, but to all the people who praised her writing, she didn't tell a -single- one that I'm the one who came up with 80% of the content.
Hey! That essay took me time and work, not just the time it took me write it out! The information was gathered over several years of NejiHina fandom, with hours and hours of total research time, and for that particular essay, I had completely deleted two nearly completed drafts to start over.
As such, it pisses me off that someone who go ahead and claim the content and writing as her own invention, even go about bragging about it. How could a fellow NejiHina fan, and an artist at that, stoop so low in plagiarism? She even stole the intro concept, which immediately made me raise an eyebrow! Hell I've never had trouble to simply Quote someone and say who the quote was from, or link to other people's essays. How would She feel if I copied half her art, traced the other half, then reaped tons of praise for it?
Edit: Problem solved. Kind of. Apparently she found it posted somewhere on a Spanish site while looking for doujins, and the site said that anyone could use it. So to fend off flamers, she took it and pretended she wrote all of it. She didn't even know that I wrote it (what she knew was my NaruSaku manifesto).
Ah well, there were still lots of things wrong with it all (you just Don't claim someone else's creation as your own, you just don't), but she removed the post so that's that.