Michael was listening to Tom Waits last night, who I'm not very familiar with. The nonsensical weirdness of the music got me thinking about Leonard Cohen, so I put on the album of his that I used to listen to while going to sleep when I was in elementary school. It's really hard to introduce someone to music that has that much personal resonance... I want Michael to understand what it means to me, but he can't fathom it, the same way I can't fathom precisely what his music has meant to him over the years. There's a communication gap, a history gap. We don't talk about the past all that much. Or the future. Especially not the future. The past comes up sometimes... I found I could barely watch an occult BBC show that a friend lent Michael, because it took place on the campus of a snooty boarding school where some of the students were all too familiar.
I've been enjoying reading the new "Changeling" book (I'm not sure how much to thank
heron61 for that). They did a good job of taking the cute out of the game and emphasizing just how terrifying creatures in fairy tales can be. Though I don't understand how White Wolf can sell such cheaply bound books for $30 and still apparently can't afford to hire a proofreader. Sentences don't begin with lowercase letters. Paragraphs don't begin with "And". Typos have no place in such a slick-looking book. They need better editing in general... I'm not sure why Changeling needs three different rule sets for powers that basically boil down to "can breathe underwater for a while", for example. I understand that a book with so many contributers is going to have unintentional redundancies, but that's what editing is for.
This week, I've been sleeping late, playing games too much, not doing enough to prepare for the weeks ahead. The weather hasn't helped... everything out there is holding its breath, waiting for rain. School starts Monday. Feels like summer has been gone for a while.