[Axis Powers Hetalia, Little America+England, modern America/England: Warmth Amidst Winter's Chill]

Mar 15, 2011 00:25

Title: Warmth Amidst Winter's Chill
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Little America+England, modern day America/England
Word Count: 846
Summary: Over three hundred years can vastly change someone's feelings on snowy winter days.
Notes: For berseker's winning bid at helpbrazil2011. She asked for something involving snow and baby America, so here you go!

The cold and harsh winters had been difficult for the colonists; something England worried would also mean it was troublesome for America. The boy, if he could even be called that, was so small and free-spirited that England truly worried that he’d grow sickly.

He was still so young, so new to life, after all.

So he’d packed some gifts for him- a nice book of light reading on philosophy and some warmed chocolate drink that he’d “acquired” in a dispute with Spain. England had feared the drink might be too bitter for America’s sensibilities, so he’d taken out the chili pepper and replaced it with cane sugar and a dash of cinnamon.

Bundled in layers of clothing (and with cratefuls of warmer clothes for America) England made the long and dangerous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.

He was greeted by a bunch of weary looking colonists glad to see supplies and the beaming face of America, who looked like he could care less that it was snowing.

“Engwand!” The little bundle called out, his small feet launching him into England’s legs.

England chuckled, smiling warmly as he patted the child on his head.

“Aren’t you cold, America?”

America looked down at his small frock, covered by a small thread-worn cloak, and his tattered shoes. With a frown, he shook his head.

“Nope! My fwiends keep me warm!”

Picturing the boy out in the cold nights cuddled up with nothing more than rabbits for warmth, England scoped him up in his arms, cradling him against his chest.

“You are right chilled, dear. Let’s get you into some of the clothing I brought.”

America pouted, “Engwand, I wanna play!”

“Once you are dressed more like a proper gentleman ready for winter, then we can see about that. All right?”

He nodded. “’kay.”

Fitting the small child in woolen stockings and giving him a warmer frock, along with a very thick cloak and new shoes, England waited to see what the boy made of it.

“Thanks Engwand!” America chirped, hugging the cloak to himself. “Now I’ll be warm when I play with my fwiends outside!”

England shook his head. “Aren’t your forest friends all sleeping the winter away right now?”

America looked confused a moment before he grinned. “No, I mean the other boys!”

This alarmed England. What were those ruddy colonists doing, letting their children out in weather like this? America, at least, was a force all his own that no one could seem to keep restrained no matter the weather.

On seeing England’s perplexed expression, America added. “The boys who lived here before you came, Engwand. Those who live in the fworest!”

“Oh…” England replied, wondering how it was that America could get along with both the native animals and peoples without a problem.

America grabbed his hand at that and started tugging him outside. “Come on, Engwand! I made you a pwesent!”

England obliged, letting America lead him outside. They walked the length of the colonist’s compound and outside the wooden walls. There, on the edge of the forest, was a small snow sculpture clearly made by someone of America’s stature.

“It’s you, Engwand!” The boy said, indicating the eyebrows made of twigs above the stones pressed into the snow for eyes.

Picking the boy up, England smiled. “It’s a wonderful likeness, America. Thank you.”


“America, I am not in the least bit amused by that…snowman on your lawn,” England said, having just arrived at America’s home in Washington DC.

America, appeared around the corner, bundled up in at least five blankets and clutching a mug of hot chocolate.

“Hey England! How was the flight?” He murmured, sweeping into the foyer and pressing a kiss to England’s cheek. “Holy shit, you’re freezing. Here.” He pressed the mug into England’s hands.

England handed it back. “I’ll make myself a spot of tea. I’m sure you need it, as you clearly got yourself chilled making that homage to me in the front yard.”

America grinned. “Hey, the kids on the street helped me build that snowman. I just added the…” he kissed each of England’s eyebrows, “finishing touches.”

“Git,” England shot back, but there was a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Okay, let’s get you that tea then go curl up in front of the fire. I’m not going back out in that freezing cold unless it’s an emergency.”

And as America followed him into the kitchen England couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Wasn’t this the same America who was out running around the forests of the northeast coasts in nothing more than a thin frock back when he was a child? Ah, how some things had changed.

“Ta-da,” America said suddenly, pressing a cup of hot water into England’s hands. “Figured you’d want tea, so you just need to put the bag in to brew.”

England blinked. “America…”

“Wha?” he said, trying to repress a grin. “Can’t have my boyfriend be cold during this weather, now can I?”

And as England took the cup from him, he smiled. “Thank you.”

!fanfic: oneshot, pairing: america/england, *fandom: axis powers hetalia

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