[Axis Powers Hetalia, America/England: Codename 4/?]

Feb 13, 2011 15:46

Title: Codename Chapter 4/?, Alfred versus the First Date 1/? [FF.net Link] [ Previous Chapters]
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Genre: Action/Romance
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: America/England, Estonia/Ukraine, Prussia/Switzerland, Poland/Lithuania, most characters at some point or another.
Word Count: 3,256
Summary: When computer geek Alfred inadvertently downloads government secrets into his brain, the two countries behind the secrets send agents to keep a watch on him. One of them is MI-6 agent Arthur Kirkland, who is about to turn Alfred's life upside down in more ways than one.

Chapter Summary:
What would someone see in a lame computer nerd who worked at the Buy More anyway? As he and Gilbert had often joked, a bit sardonically, no one was going to be interested in losers like them.

And especially no one like Arthur Kirkland. Some grumpy, yet strangely endearing, James Bond wannabe straight out of Great Britain who seemed to value Alfred’s intellect and give him chances in life. No, there’s just no way something that great would walk into his drab life after all these years of missed opportunities and rejected resumes.

Notes: Sorry for the delay on this second arc! Thank you again to all the comments and support for the first arc, it means the world to me!

Human names used:
Monaco: Ingrid Grimaldi
Seychelles: Evangeline (Eva)
Denmark: Derek Densen

Alfred woke up the next morning with a considerable headache and a sinking feeling that everything that had happened the day before was simply an elaborate dream.

He checked his computer for the email, but of course, it wasn’t there. And although he knew he’d put Arthur’s business card inside his Lord of the Rings mug on his desk for safekeeping, he was honestly scared to check on the off-chance it wasn’t there.

With a heavy sigh, he mulled it over in the shower. It made sense that he dreamed this whole thing up. He was stuck in a retail job despite having an illustrious degree, he spent most of his free time hanging out with Gilbert or Kiku, and he’d always dreamed of doing something heroic, like being a spy.

Of course he’d conjure this up. He was desperate to be a hero and…a bit lonely, despite all his friends. Feliks had tried to hook him up with various people before, but he just wasn’t interested. What would someone see in a lame computer nerd who worked at the Buy More anyway? As he and Gilbert had often joked, a bit sardonically, no one was going to be interested in losers like them.

And especially no one like Arthur Kirkland. Some grumpy, yet strangely endearing, James Bond wannabe straight out of Great Britain who seemed to value Alfred’s intellect and give him chances in life. No, there’s just no way something that great would walk into his drab life after all these years of missed opportunities and rejected resumes.

As Alfred toweled off, thinking somewhat fondly over how he’d met Arthur in his dream here in his room in rather embarrassing circumstances, he made a little inward vow to himself.

Real or not, starting today, he was going to start taking chances again. Because hopefully, if he gave it a shot, someone out there would find him worth it.


“Good morning, agents,” Miss Grimaldi stated, looking from Arthur to Vash. The small video screen was providing them an image of the CIA head, her glasses glinting as she turned to look at both of them.

They were in Vash’s hotel room, where he’d rigged up the television to display the video feed.

Arthur shifted uncomfortably. “I presume you’ve read our reports?”

Ingrid smiled slightly. “Yes. After going over them with both the head of the NSA and the SIS, we’ve decided to keep you both here until further notice. Clearly the information in Mr. Jones’ head shouldn’t be left unattended.”

“We’re being stuck here until further notice?” Vash asked irritably. “Why can’t they bring in other agents to deal with babysitting him?”

“Because we are trying to limit the knowledge on project ALLIES to as few agents as possible, Major Zwingli. Also, your superior said they still haven’t found von Bock and mentioned that it’s possible he collapsed and bled to death in a ditch after you shot him.”

Vash shrugged. “I asked him to stand down and come with me, and he started tinkering with his computer, which turned out to be a bomb. I feel, as I’ve told my superior, I was within bounds shooting him.”

“Something your superior doesn’t seem to agree with, Major Zwingli,” Ingrid said with a piercing stare. “His message to you is that he hopes this extended mission will help you cool your head some.”

Vash swore.

“Ma’am?” Arthur interjected. “Are all the covers going to remain as is?”

She gave a knowing smile. “Mr. Kirkland, I understand that we’ve thrown you both into this situation without proper covers on your names and I apologize for that. We were hoping this would be a quicker operation. You will both just have to improvise in any situation that you deem it unsafe to use your current names during.”

Arthur opened his mouth to clarify his question, but the CIA director beat him to it.

“As for your concerns about the cover we’ve given you and Mr. Jones, I have discussed this with your superior.”

Arthur perked up.

“Based on the reports from both you and Major Zwingli, it seems you have a special fondness for Mr. Jones. Your boss has therefore instructed me to keep your cover as is with the instruction for you to loosen up.”

“But Ma’am, I…”

“Are a known loner throughout various agencies, Mr. Kirkland. You prefer to work alone and rarely are able to cooperate with any European agents, costing the success of a few missions. In working with Major Zwingli to protect Mr. Jones, we hope for you to improve your interpersonal relations.”

Just about to protest, Arthur halted as a newspaper clipping was held up to the screen.

“More importantly you two, thanks to Mr. Jones’ and your help, we have apprehended the bomb suspect. Give yourselves a pat on the back and well,” she gave them a terse smile as she adjusted her glasses, “I hope you both enjoy the California weather.”


Alfred almost spit out his orange juice at the table when he saw the headline of that morning’s newspaper.

Bomb threat thwarted by quick-thinking agents

“Hey um…” His heart had started racing, “Toris, can I see the paper?”

His roommate gave him a smile and handed it across the table. “Sure, here you go.”

Taking it from him, he started skimming the article in a rush, his pulse hammering away in his veins. How would he have known about this bombing in his dream if this was ‘breaking news’? And did that also mean…

He glanced all over the article for any names, credits to the heroes that had saved the day and all that, but there wasn’t any. Not even what agencies they worked for. Just a simple, “General Eto’o sent out his express thanks to the trio that ultimately saved his and many other lives last night” before going on about the speech he was giving and the amount of people whose lives were endangered.

Was it all just some freaky coincidence?

Then his eyes caught sight of the name of the article’s writer and his mind flashed a myriad of images.

A light-red haired man with freckles, Austrian by birth, worked for the CIA as their public relations head chairman. Codenamed: Mr. Newspaper.

Nope. It wasn’t a dream.

He almost choked on his eggs and bolted up in his chair. “Then Arthur’s card is real,” he said distractedly to himself before rushing out of the room.

Once he was gone, Feliks just shook his head. “He’s like totally love sick with that guy. Like did you see the way he’s spacing out? Soooo in love.”

Toris gave Feliks a smile and glanced after Alfred. “I hope you’re right. He could use a break in life.”

“Well and the best man out there is already totally taken by me, so he’ll have to settle,” Feliks teased, pecking a kiss to Toris’s cheek.

He flushed red, “Feliks…”

“Yeah yeah. I like totally wish him well and stuff too. It’d be awesome for him if things started looking up.”


Vash Zwingli loved his job but hated the jobs had to do for it.

When he was out on missions, bringing down baddies with one of his prized guns, that felt comfortable to him. That was normal, that felt right.

That sort of work was a far cry from a scratchy green shirt with a Buy More logo embroidered on the chest, a plastic name badge and khaki dress pants. He hated civilian job covers, they were the worst.

Sliding his favorite pistol snugly into the back waistband of his pants, Vash turned around to make sure the horrid green shirt covered it satisfactorily. It did and the press of the cold metal against his back made him feel a little bit better about his incoming ‘work day.’

“Small comforts, I suppose,” he grumbled to his reflection in the mirror. Sliding a small little one-shot derringer into his shoe, he gave himself a nod in the mirror.

Those small comforts didn’t last him very long though. The moment he was out on the sales floor, Vash found himself already wanting to pull one of the guns out and use it. And not because Alfred’s safety was compromised.

This was primarily because one Gilbert Weillschmidt (that turned out to be the imbecile’s full name) had decided to “help the newbie fit in.”

“Hey there Vashie! Can I call you that?”


Gilbert swung an arm around Vash’s shoulders and he had to resist the urge to break it.

“So Vashie, my bro filled me in that you’d be starting today and so I’m going show you around. Because I’m just that awesome!”

“I am quite capable of figuring things out myself. I do have more than one brain cell, unlike some people,” Vash snapped back.

Gilbert just laughed obnoxiously. “Yeah, some people are so dumb!”

From this point onward, Vash did his best to tune out Gilbert as he rambled on about god knows what, only allowing his brain to pick up important tidbits he might actually need to know.

Like the names of his fellow floor sales clerks on this shift: Berwald and Derek, who apparently had a long standing sales rivalry and constantly got into stupid fights over it.

And it wasn’t until Alfred came over with a strained smile on his face that Vash realized that Gilbert still had his arm around him.

“Hey Gilbert, there’s a customer on line two that you did the repair work for. I’ll take it from here.”

Gilbert shrugged, finally easing his arm off Vash’s shoulders. He turned with a flourish and shot him a wink. “Just let me know if you need anything, Vashie.”

The moment his back was turned, Vash mimicked firing a gun at him with his fingers and Alfred grimaced.

“Sorry about….him.”

“Was he dropped on his head as a child? His brother seems a lot…”

Alfred chuckled, “Different. Yeah. Um so…” he shuffled his feet. “You’re…still here then?”

Vash raised an eyebrow, then he crossed his arms. “Moved into an apartment this morning. Here for however long it takes, apparently.”

Taking a slight step back, Alfred leaned on a display for DVDs. “I’m sorry I’m the cause of this. I can kinda tell you don’t want to be here.”

“It’s my job.”

Eyes darting towards the Tea for Two across the parking lot, Alfred was trying to find the nerve to ask if it was just Vash or if both of the agents…

But Vash beat him to it. “He’s still here too, if you were wondering.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. I see.” He willed down a blush.

“Have any other flashes today?” Vash asked, desperately hoping for any excuse to leave and go shoot something.

“Just the name of the person who wrote the article for the paper. Apparently he’s PR for the CIA,” Alfred said. Then, throwing caution to the wind he added, “Awkward question, but how many guns do you have with you right now?”

Vash blinked, then realized he’d been subconsciously resting his hand above his revolver on his back. “Seven,” he said quickly, then he darted his eyes around before adding. “Why do you ask?”

Alfred gave a terse smile, “Just gauging how high the chances are of Gilbert being shot before the day is over.”

Vash glared and Alfred held up his hands.

“Ooookay then, I’m going to go do my job. If you actually need to know something around here and don’t want to ask Gilbert, you know where to find me.”

And as Alfred walked back over to the Nerd Herd counter, Vash ran a hand absently over his shoulders. It wasn’t like him to let someone, especially someone annoying like Gilbert, into his personal space like that.

He ran his hand over his revolver to bring himself back to earth and sighed.

Clearly the stupid was contagious around here.


Arthur had taken off the morning from his new cover job to get settled into his apartment. He didn’t have much, and the place looked dreadfully empty and lonely as he stood staring around at all the stark white walls.

Perhaps this would have bothered him more if he hadn’t been so used to it.

As much as it unnerved him to admit it, his superior was correct in seeing him as a loner. He had a large home back in England, and the closest he’d ever come to having visitors was when people would linger on the sidewalk to look at his garden. And as for work, he rarely got along well with fellow agents and in general preferred to work alone.

He sighed, seating himself on the end of his bed.

“I’m a right prat, apparently,” he said to no one.

His superior had called and given him instructions to show Mr. Jones a few files on an elusive secret agent out of Eastern Europe. While people had been trying to track down this agent or anything about them for years, and putting the ALLIES project to work on it was a valid cause, Arthur had a sinking feeling it was more an excuse to keep Arthur from sitting at home alone all night.

He rested his head in his hands, realizing that without this reason to call up Alfred he probably would do just that.

Picking up his glasses for his cover off the mantle, he slid them onto his face and gave himself look over in the mirror. He scowled.

“All his coworkers are going to think him mad for wanting to date someone like me even if it is all false. Then again, anyone would have to be mad to want to put up with me outside a cover…”

And with a heavy sigh, he picked up his keys and headed out.


Alfred told himself profusely that in no way whatsoever did his heart do a little flip when he spotted Arthur coming into the Buy More.

Or, if it did, it was clearly just a “hey I know that person” thing and nothing more. No way at all.

This inner charade was working great until Arthur approached and casually asked Kiku who was standing at the front, “Um hallo. Pardon for asking, but is Alfred in?”

Kiku gave a polite smile and turned to call back into the work area. “Alfred, someone’s here for you!”

Ducking Eva’s outstretched arms to mimic Arthur’s eyebrows and ignoring Gilbert’s lewd gestures, Alfred made his way up to the counter.

“Ah hey, what’s up?”

Arthur shifted nervously, darting his eyes around before quietly mumbling out.

“I just got settled in my place today and I really don’t know anyone in the area so, I was wondering if you’d be up to showing me around? You were so helpful last night after all.”

Alfred felt his face heating up, at both the compliment and the other implications. “Um…” He thought back to his vow that morning and with a deep breath plowed ahead. “S-Sure.”

Arthur nodded, then handed him a slip of paper. “I just got my phone installed, so that’s my home number now. Just call it if you get lost.”

Alfred spotted the full address on it, but knew why Arthur hadn’t mentioned it. They’d told both their jobs that the reason they left early the night before was to do a home installation at Arthur’s place.

That’s when a sickening thought washed over Alfred.

Was this a real date or a cover date?

He racked his brain for any clues Arthur might have dropped, but couldn’t find anything. Awkward rubbing the back of his head he asked.

“Um, all your computer stuff doing okay? Do I need to bring anything for that?”

Arthur looked confused for a moment then shook his head.

“Ah no. It’s all doing quite fine. I was thinking more…” He shifted on his feet. “We could get something to eat and…” he shrugged, face going red as he adverted his eyes.

Alfred felt his heart lurch.

There was just no way this could be a cover thing, right? He tried like he had the day before to bring up computers to try and ask if it was something about ALLIES. That seemed to work with Vash at least, so he figured if it was the same with Arthur he would have given some sign.

But Arthur just stood there looking awkward and…well, blushing. No one’s acting was that good, right?

With a nervous grin, Alfred gave a quick pat to Arthur’s hand where it rested on the corner.

“Okay, I’ll think up some awesome places to eat. What time should I be there?”

Arthur glanced up, green eyes a little wider than before. “Six?”

Alfred nodded. “Six. I’ll see you then.”

And as Arthur gave him a small nod and waved goodbye, Alfred didn’t even care that his coworkers were never going to let him live this down.


If his panic over this date/not-date was bothering him while he was at work, it multiplied tenfold once he got home.

Arthur was a spy and apparently a really good one if he was assigned such a top secret mission. Of course he could probably emote on cue if it was needed for a cover.

But, Alfred thought to himself as he stared at the clothes he’d sat out on his bed, if this was a real date or even just a real attempt to be friends, he’d look like a royal ass if he showed up in his work clothes acting like he didn’t care.

Sighing, he ran a hand up through his bangs. He could look like a jerk who fashion-wise stood up someone on a possible first date or he could look like an idiot who thought it was a real date when it was just some heavily coded signal to say “come and use your computer brain to figure out this super secret spy stuff.”

Living with Feliks, Alfred understood fully the implications your clothing and hair could make on people, so he figured he had to either go all out or not bother at all. Some mid-way casual outfit just wouldn’t cut it if it was serious.

“Argh, why don’t they teach you how to do this kind of shit in school?!” He asked his ceiling as he flopped back on his bed.

It didn’t help that he thought Arthur wasn’t…that bad. Though now he was second guessing even that. What if the Arthur he knew wasn’t even like this? Was it all an act?

That’s when that little flash of Arthur smiling entered his thoughts again and Alfred sighed.

It was stupid to bank everything on some knowledge in his brain that wasn’t even his own, but it was the best hunch he had.

If Arthur Kirkland was anything like that image, even deep down, then Alfred couldn’t bring himself to stand the guy up. It just wasn’t heroic.

So hoping that his gut feeling was right, that Arthur was somewhat interested in him outside this spy-cover stuff, Alfred stood up and yelled down the hallway.

“Feliks? Toris? I might sorta-kinda have a possible date-thingy. Not that it’s a big deal or anything but…”

“Like oh my god, when is it? We need to get your hair fixed up! Toris, grab that gel off our bathroom counter. This is like totally an emergency!”

Alfred felt a little smile tug at his lips. Cover or not, he wasn’t going to let Arthur down.

pairing: america/england, chaptered fanfic: codename, *fandom: axis powers hetalia

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