[Axis Powers Hetalia: 3 America/England Drabbles]

May 02, 2009 21:46

Prompt: Teddy Bear
Pairing: America/England
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/General
Word Count: 325
Written For: acire666

He hated to admit that he wasn't surprised, nay, in fact he was basically expecting it. It was, after all, his choice of a movie that they'd watched that evening. And anything with ghosts, even a non-horror movie, tended to get to America.

"England...can I stay here tonight?"

And even though he was over two hundred years old, he managed to put on a pout that took England back to memories of him as a young colony.

Huffing in feigned irritation, England rolled over on the mattress to face away from the blue puppy dog eyes that were nagging him. "It wasn't even a scary movie, America. Bloody hell, can we not watch anything without you using it as an excuse to crawl into my bed? Get yourself a teddy bear or something. It is named after your former boss."

America shrugged, holding up his dangling left arm to reveal a large brown bear clutched in his hand. "I already have one."

England groaned in frustration. "Then get another and let me sleep."

He listened for the sound of America retreating out the door, but it never came. Instead, a very timid question was asked.

"Would a bigger teddy bear help?"

Rolling his eyes, England sighed. "Sure. Whatever you think best."

The sound of America's footsteps on the floor reached England's ears, and he was about to attempt to sleep again, when his mattress sunk under sudden weight and warm arms encircled his waist.

"A-America, what in the blazes are you...." England froze as a warm breath tickled his neck, his face flushing scarlet.

"Got myself a bigger teddy bear." He pressed a sloppy kiss to England's cheek before nuzzling into his back. "Yep, I think this will help lots."

And knowing that it was no use trying to push the stronger country away, England settled himself in America's arms, putting aside the actual teddy bear on the nightstand. After all, America wouldn't need both.


Prompt: Shoujo Sparkles
Pairing: America/England
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor/Romance
Word Count: 445
Written For: chappuholic

It was like those- what did Japan call them? Shoujo? Yeah that was it, shoujo - comics that Japan had loaned America from time to time. He remembered it clearly, the way the girl character would look at the "man of her dreams" and he'd be surrounded by sparkling orbs, as if he was a vision.

That was how England, at that very moment, looked to America. He blushed slightly at the implications that held, but didn't let his gaze waver. He was just observing, not staring. It was completely different.

Before him, England was relaxing in a chair on the lawn; a teacup precariously perched in one hand and a book in his other. He'd glanced up for a moment and seemed to be gazing at one of the many shimmering spheres that were currently hovering around him like a special effect gone awry.

"E-En-ngland?" He called out; regretting it the moment he did. It was very unheroic to stutter like a timid girl.

But when England looked up, his green eyes focusing just so on America's blue ones, America felt his heart skip a beat. He shook his head furiously, suddenly realizing how this was playing out a little too much like Japan's comics. He could see it now- how he'd have a small sound effect by him at that very moment going doki doki~. Great, he was a shoujo heroine and England was the man of his dreams.

America was mortified and he was sure his face showed it. With a furious blush, he jerked his head away and crossed his arms.

"America?" England queried. "What's wrong?"

He chanced a glance back, noticing that England was standing now and that the orbs had risen to hover around him.

"S-Something's wrong with my glasses. I'm seeing..." He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. He finally choked out. "There's shoujo sparkles around you, England."

The other country blinked, glancing up around him and then back to America.

"You see what?"

"Like in Japan's comics? You know? The sparkles?" America rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Ehe, never mind. It's not important."

And as America wandered off, vehemently hoping he wasn't about to turn into some sort of magical girl, England addressed the orbs around him.

"What's his problem?"

The little faeries giggled.

The pink one spoke first. "He was staring at you."

"H-he was?" England asked, eyes wide.

"Like a love sick puppy." The green one noted.

"A love sick puppy!" The blue one echoed, her trilling laugh piercing the air.

England blushed and hurried after America, leaving the floating wall of "shoujo sparkles" to laugh at the two love sick countries some more.


Prompt: Cooking Together
Pairing: England/America
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor/Romance
Word Count: 572
Written For: sillyputtie

It was amazing how quickly any activity between them ended up going wrong. Cooking, of course, was no exception to this. Usually, America would quietly come up behind England while he was at the stove; seizing him around the waist and causing England to blush and yell and burn the food even more than he already was.

But decorating sugar cookies, something even children managed without too large a mess, was the one baking choice that had turned their kitchen into a war zone.

America was currently crouched behind the island, warily glancing out around the left side for any sign of where England was. He was armed well; one pastry bag filled with bright blue frosting and a tub of white frosting with a spoon. His face bore the marks of their battle so far; streaks of red, white and blue frosting all over his face and what looked like a half-written "Idiot" across his forehead. America crept forward quietly with his pastry bag ready to frost England the moment he came into view. It was only too late that he heard the footsteps behind him.

"Gotcha!" England yelled. A glob of red frosting was smeared across America's glasses and effectively impaired his vision. Blinded but not about to give up, the younger country pulled off his glasses and retaliated.

"Oh no you don't!" He held up the pastry bag and drew a thick line of blue across England's eyebrows. America laughed. "And here I thought those couldn't look any bigger!"

"Oi, shut it!" He retorted, yanking the pastry bag out of America's hand and throwing it to the ground. England quickly shoved America over and straddled his waist to pin him down. "Now where was I on labeling your forehead?"

As he moved to finish off the "Idiot" written there, America leaned up and kissed him. They both tasted like burnt sugar cookies and frosting; and the two of them wrestled for the pastry bag England held as they continued to kiss.

A commanding voice spoke up. "I hope you plan on cleaning up this mess."

America and England pulled apart like two teenagers caught by their parents, both of them blushing under their frosting war paint. England stood up, brushed himself off and then helped America to his feet.

The waylaid pastry bag with blue frosting had gotten under America's back, his weight shooting out its contents all over the kitchen wall. He looked up at man in the doorway with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry, Mr. Chief of Staff." He shuffled his feet nervously. "We'll clean it up right away."

The silver-haired man sighed. "And the President would like to see both of you when you're done with that, so you might want to clean yourselves up."

England blanched. "I'm so sorry, sir. This will never happen again."

He laughed, picking up a finished cookie that wasn't too burnt and taking a bite out of it. "I may not have been here long, England, but I have a feeling this or something similar will probably happen again. Considering the stories I've heard about you two. Not bad cookies, by the way."

And leaving them both a bit speechless, the Chief of Staff strode from the room. Warily, they looked around at the mess and then to each other.

"At least we didn't get it everywhere?" America offered.

England shoved him in the arm. "Oh hush up and start cleaning."

pairing: america/england, !fanfic: drabble, *fandom: axis powers hetalia

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