Dream 04: [Public] Precious

Feb 19, 2009 20:05

The dream starts with a young woman playing with a baby Lloyd.  The toddler holds out his little arms to her she picks him up.  He laughs happily as she kisses his cheek and leans his head against her shoulder.

The scene changes to a bit older Lloyd crying in the arms of a dwarf in front of a tombstone.  By the look of the fresh-turned earth, the grave has just been covered.  The dwarf tries to consol the child, but he only stops crying when a dog-looking creature whines slightly and nuzzles Lloyd.  The child pets the creature and kisses it’s nuzzle.

The last scene shows a seventeen years old Lloyd trying to catch his breath, leaning on his swords.  The rain pours hard on him and the sound of it barely covers the laughter of a blue-haired man in front of him.  Lloyd looks up to see the man charging his weapon and he closes his eyes, wishing that he was stronger.  But instead of meeting his maker, he is engulfed in a white light and when he opens his eyes again, there is a silhouette of a young woman in front of him.  He can’t see her face, but somehow, she feels very familiar.

“Protect those you cherish…”

Lloyd opens his eyes and lifts his left arm to look at a blue gem on his hand.  It glitters slightly in the morning light and he drops his hand, sighing softly:


dad, ic, mom, dream, noishe

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