Take me to That Special Place - Chapter 01

May 15, 2011 12:28

Title: Take me to That Special Place
Author: jade_de_lune  & heroinlamb 
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Drama, Romance, a bit angsty?
Rating: PG-13
Beta: meikimari 
Disclaimer: Don't own, just watch
Summary: In 2006 only months after KAT-TUNs debut, the famous idol Kamenashi Kazuya leaves on a short notice for the united states. The agency states he went there to study later, but rumours are spread that there might be more to it than it seems. The newest gossip has it, that he might have returned to Japan. His bandmates, including Akanishi Jin, to whom he always had a special relationship, may or may not be welcoming him back
A/N: thaankies to our awesome beta  meikimari :D <3

Chapter 1

At first, Jin was unable to move. He just stared blankly at the man standing in front of him. The words only sank into him slowly, because everything moved in slow motion or so it seemed. Back... is that all you’re going to say? Not trusting his voice, afraid it might crack and show how he was trembling inside, he didn’t dare to say anything. But slowly and very subtly the inability to feel vanished and left only anger.
“Won’t you say something?” Kazuya asked while his expression remained unreadable to Jin. His mouth felt like a desert and all he could think about was the pain he felt in that very moment. Of course he knew about the official statement the agency had given the press about studying abroad and all that but he hadn’t really believed he would be coming back. Why, Kazuya? Why are you here?
“What do you want?” his voice was cold just as he intended. He couldn’t keep the hurting out of it though.
“I just... I wanna talk to you, Jin. Let me explain-”
“Explain what?” Jin interrupted the other man, now furious. “That you went off to the other fucking end of the world? Why didn’t you tell me that you needed a break? I would have come with you!” his voice cracked and he couldn’t stop the tears from filling his eyes. “But that’s not what you wanted right?” he wasn’t sure, but for a moment, he thought Kame’s face hardened. What? Now you’re the victim?
“You don’t understand!”, Kame said softly.
“Oh I do understand!”, Jin spent months over thinking the possibilities of why he left. He couldn’t even remember how many times he played advocate, judge, jury and executioner in his head. “I don’t care why you left. All I know is that you did, without having the guts to talk to me! And now you’re back for- yeah, for what? Closure? Well, sorry, but you won’t get that from me,” with that he took off, leaving Kame alone on their rooftop.

When Jin came home that night, he closed the door behind him only to sink to the ground. Kame’s face has been burned into his memory and since then he wasn’t able to get it out. I don’t care. I don’t! Impatiently he searched for the pack inside his jacket, taking a cigarette out of it with shaking hands afterwards. Just when he felt the satisfaction of the first drag, some hip hop song played. He instinctively grabbed in his pocket again, just to take out his mobile and answer it.
“Yeah?” he said softly, without much energy in his voice left.
“Where the hell are you?” Jin recognized Yamapi’s voice right away, remembering he should’ve been at his place an hour ago. His friend sounded slightly angry and at the same time kind of worried.
“Ah, sorry. I just... I got caught in the middle of something. Go ahead without me okay? I don’t feel like it today.”
“Eh? Something wrong?” he asked.
“No, it’s all good. Look, Pi, I’m just really tired,” Jin said and only part of it was a lie. He was tired like hell.
“If you say so,” his friend answered, voice dripping with suspicion.
“Ja, ne.”
He didn’t want to explain or discuss what happened this evening. All he wanted was a bottle of beer, his cigarette and his comfortable bed to sleep it off. Hoping it would be gone in the morning.

When Kame woke up the next morning he didn't feel like getting up at all. But he had to. He had to because starting that morning, he was going to be the Idol he used to be. To have an early meeting means getting up early even though your body craves for more sleep. It was harder now than before and Kame tried to hold his illness responsible for him lacking the energy but he knew deep down inside that it was his own fault. Or maybe it was Jin's - At least it was the older boy who stole his sleep last night because he couldn’t think about anything other than him. It wasn't any different when he finally got up and ready to leave. Even during his drive to work Kame couldn't help but keep thinking about Jin.
He hadn't expected Jin to be there yesterday. Sure, they’d promised each other to be there - always, but Kame already broke this promise years ago. It hurt to see that Jin kept it nevertheless, even though Kame's been gone for two and a half years. It hurt because he knew now he let Jin down again and again. No wonder Jin reacted like that when he finally did turn up after such a long time...
“Kamenashi-san are you even listening to me?“ his new Manager asked Kame whose mind had apparently left the meeting he was finally attending to think about Jin again.
“I'm sorry Miyano-san, my mind just... went off for a second. I'm listening now,“ he promised.
“Okay - Like I told you a minute ago, we need a big comeback for you. Good thing people already know that you've got talent, but still.. It has been two and a half years. My point is .. You alone won't be enough.“
Kame was a bit taken aback by that last comment. He wasn't enough? Weird. And he always believed JE signed him as a solo artist now.
“Which means...?“ - “Which means you're gonna be part of a temporary unit. Two of the agency's top selling Idols are gonna be your support. With them by your side you'll sell like hell.“
Two of the top selling Idols... That could practically be anyone out of the agency. But he was curious and he kind of didn't want to work with his old group members. That would be way too awkward and he would have to explain himself.
Kame took a sip out of a mug before he answered. The coffee burned nicely down his throat and gave him the energy he needed.
“Are you gonna to tell me who's gonna be my support?“ He couldn't help but sound a bit superior and it was nice to see how Miyano was kind of irritated by his attitude.
“Yes.. Of Course, I'm sorry - Gimme a sec,” he mumbled while he was scanning one of the documents in front of him. “It's Yamashita Tomohisa-san and Akanishi Jin-san. I know you worked with them before - There shouldn't be a problem, right?“
All the color vanished from Kame's face when his manager told him the names. Akanishi and Yamashita. Jin..
He couldn't possibly work with him. Not after that last meeting on the rooftop.
“Do they... Do they know about it?“ At least Jin didn't know yesterday obviously.
“I'm not quite sure“, Miyano confessed, “I'm not supervising them right now, but their respective managers are supposed to tell them about it today as well.” Kame nodded but didn’t say anything. “Is there a problem? Now is your last chance to back out.“
“No, there isn't. I'm gonna do it.“ Even though he wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to survive this.

“Eh? What are you saying?” Jin couldn’t believe it. He kept staring at his manager, only half accepting that he was about to take away all the hard work he’s done for the last two years. Ever since Kamenashi left and the group KAT-TUN disbanded, he fought hard for his solo career.
“We’re offering the opportunity to take part of a new temporary unit, Akanishi-san”, the man said, while pushing his glasses even higher with his right middle finger. He was in his late thirties and way too stiff for Jin’s taste. He never talked about private things to his manager, but the office indicated that there wasn’t even much to talk about to begin with. The only picture in the whole room was an illustration of a landscape. No family pictures on the desk, no pictures with a boat or a horse or any other hobby Jin could think of on the shelves. Workaholic, huh? Well, bet Johnny isn’t only keeping us idols busy, you have your share too.
“A temporary unit... what about the tour we had planned for next year?”, he said, without even bothering to hide that he wasn’t amused. You can’t be taking everything from me again, can you old man?
“Well, I’m sure that there is enough planned for that new unit, Akanishi-san. With that being said, even if the upcoming tour is cancelled, there will be a new one,” he explained with a nasally voice Jin could best describe as annoying.
“Screw that! What about the songs I’ve written?” he was almost yelling now but the manager just remained calm.
“I don’t know the details, but surely your new manager will clear everything up soon.”
“Don’t know the details, my ass!” Jin retorted.
“Does that mean you have objections to the new task?” the manager asked without any trace of a feeling, not in his voice, or his face or any other part of him.
“Wow you actually make it sound as if I had a choice. No I don’t have any objections.” Now the manager started to laugh, softly but clearly.
“There is no need to be so angry, Akanishi-san. You haven’t asked me the most important question yet. Who’s with you in that unit?”
Of course Jin was curious, but his pride didn’t allow him to back down easily, so he let out an annoyed sigh before answering: “Not that it changes anything, but who?”
“There will be a total of three members including you, but as of this moment I only know of Yamashita To-”
“Yamapi? Like in Pi?” Jin was on his feet, staring unbelievingly. “You better not be kidding me about this!”
“Oh, I’m certainly not. So if you-”
“I’m in!”, Jin said, with the last hint of seriousness he could afford, before storming out of the office with the mobile already in his hand.

“Oi! Pi!”, Jin wasn’t able to keep the great excitement out of his voice.
“Did you hear it?” an equally exhilarated Yamapi answered on the other end of the phone.
“So awesome!”
“I know right! This will be epic!”, Jin could almost see his best friend showing the biggest and earnest grin of them all. It was so easy because he felt that very grin on his own face. “Any idea on who’s the third one?”, Yamapi asked. “No, but I’m curious. Wouldn’t it be really awesome if it’ll be Ryo?” In his head Jin was already painting a really big sign with the best - in his opinion anyway - name there is for this very formation. The Akanishi Troop. He couldn’t help but chuckle and it just happened to be in a middle of a sentence he hadn’t even listened to. “Eh? What’s so funny? Wait! Are you even listening?” As his best friend sounded kind of annoyed, Jin hurried to answer: “Of course I did! Yeah, it can’t be Ryo. I still wonder how he keeps up with both Kanjani8 and News.”
“That’s true, I didn’t say anything about that though. Seriously, Jin!” He sighed but Jin knew he wasn’t really angry with him.

Fortunately Kame didn’t have any other work left on that day.  The photo shoot for their upcoming single and promotional work couldn’t be done without his new group members and since both Yamashita and Akanishi, were already, or still, top-selling Idols, they had other work left to finish before the work on their unit could start.
Kame was glad though. Like that he had more time to think about what he was going to do now. How should he behave in front of Jin? Yamapi was surely on Akanishi’s side on this matter but that’s what best friends are for. Best friends... that‘s not what we are anymore. What is left of the ‘we’ anyway?
A low whimper at his feet startled Kame and he came back to reality. It was Ran, his little kaninchen dachshund, who obviously wanted his attention.
“Hey girl,” he said to her soflty, while gently petting her head, “You’re hungry, huh?” As if she wanted to affirm his question, Ran started to wag her tail and slowly strolled over to the kitchen where her bowl was located. Kame followed shortly after her and put the food into said bowl.
“There you go, cutie.”
It was kind of sad to know that this dog was probably his only friend left. He cut ties with everyone else when he left for America. Sure, he still had his family and he loved his family, but still it was family and not friends.
“I guess it’s actually me who needs you more than the other way around,” Kame sighed, as he sunk down on a chair in his kitchen, never taking his eyes off his dog.
“Do you remember Jin?” he asked Ran who probably didn’t even listen, since she was still occupied with her food. Not that she was going to answer anyways - She was a dog and Kame knew that very well, but he just didn’t have anyone else he could talk to.
“You used to play with his little dog - Pin. I’m sorry Ran-chan, but I don’t think he’ll come to play with you ever again.” His voice cracked at the end of the sentence and it used up all of Kame’s energy to not break down crying. You lived through worse than that, he said to himself. And you knew before that no one would welcome you with open arms, least of all him.
“But we’ll find you a new friend,”, Kame promised his dog, after he collected himself again.
He couldn’t slack off, not even at home. If he’d allowed himself to be like this, crying and depressed, at home he’ll eventually show the same behaviour at work.
He should just stop thinking about it. It was him who left and cut ties with everyone. It was his own damn fault, so he should just live with it. Thinking would only make everything worse and Jin won’t forgive him anyways. He made that very clear last night.
He should just focus on what he was really good at - being the flawless Idol he used to be.
He went to bed early that night, since he needed all the energy he could get for the meeting on the next day with his new group members and his manager. Even though he just got to know Miyano, he was already glad to have him there tomorrow. Like that it wasn’t Kamenashi alone against part of The Akanishi Troop (A thing he kept track of while being in America). Yes, he was genuinely afraid to lose his head tomorrow because he knew with certainty that Yamapi would kill for Jin.
But then again, Pi was obviously the head of the duo so maybe he wouldn’t harm him in public.
Kame tried to get those odd thoughts out of his head. No wonder he couldn’t get to sleep.

The alarm clock ended a dream Jin would have continued endlessly, if he was the one to decide it anyway. The dreams revolving around Kamenashi were usually following the same pattern. It didn’t matter if he dreamed about the times they’ve been on tour or when they were in Okinawa together. It always starts out with him desperately searching for his former boyfriend, and eventually he always finds him and he knows, they’ll stay this way. That’s usually when reality sets in. That night’s dream was no exception. It was so good that the mere memory of it almost made him cry. He dreamed of a night that never happened, but it could have, very easily. They were together in Kazuya’s apartment, spending some time alone. He had his head in Kame’s lap and was staring into those beautiful eyes, just to be greeted with a smile. Everything seemed simply perfect until reality set in and took it all away - again. Two fucking years and I still feel like shit when a dream about you ends. Do you know what you’re doing to me? You probably don’t care. And I shouldn’t either.  He sighed and decided to get up. Grabbing clothes that were lying around in the mess he called a bedroom, he made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.
Once he stepped out of it and had put on some clothes, he called his dog to go for a walk. “Come on, boy. Let’s go!”, stepping out of the house, he enjoyed the fresh air. It smelled as if it has been raining up until now and Jin loved it that way. The ground was covered with puddles and Pin had a fun time evading them. The sky was still grey, and it didn’t look like the clouds would loosen up during the day. But Jin didn’t mind. No one could ruin this day, no matter what was going to happen. From this day on, he would be working with his best friend. There’s no one who could take that away from him today. Not even you disturbing my dreams.

Entering the Office building of Johnny&Associates, he was planning poses for the promotional stuff that would surely follow in short time. Of course, some voice in the corner of his head reminded him that he might not have much to say on those topics. But he enjoyed it far too well to stop because of such a thing. It would be with Yamapi, so it should be perfect. He wasn’t even concerned about the third person anymore because he was sure, no matter who it would be, they would get along pretty well.
He was late, so he figured everyone would be already waiting for him. Even though Yamapi and Jin were alike in a few things, they couldn’t be any more different in others. That’s why Jin didn’t even bother to wait outside of the office room for the manager. He knocked once and without a waiting period, he opened the door. The room was cornered and so it happened that he only saw his new manager and his best friend at first. So he didn’t understand why Yamapi was on his feet and meeting him halfway through the room. “I know, sorry Pi. I didn’t mean to be late.”
“Jin-”, Yamapi grabbed both of his arms, trying to keep him from going further into the room, but he was already looking around the corner, curious who the third guy was. “Listen to me,”, Yamapi continued softly and Jin recognized his voice but he wasn’t sure what he was saying. The beating of his heart was loud enough to shut out every other noise. “Jin! Stop it, look at me.” But Jin just tried to get away, out of the room and he would’ve if Yamapi hadn’t been stronger. “No, you won’t make an idiot out of yourself just because of him, do you hear me? I won’t let you!” That’s when he snapped out of it. He nodded, but didn’t say anything more. For the rest of the meeting, he was busy trying to ignore Kamenashi who was sitting way too close for his tastes. Yamapi sitting between them was representing a well guarded border line, not letting anyone cross.
“Is something wrong?” Miyano asked unnecessarily. Even though Yamapi had tried to speak to Jin in a low voice, that room was just too small. Waiting for a response, he watched both Jin and Kame, and when he realized they were too busy not doing things to each other - He didn’t even want to know if those were good or bad -  Yamapi just sighed, and answered in their place: “No, Miyano-san, it’s nothing. We appreciate your offer very much.” The manager smiled kindly or perhaps relieved: “Well then, I was given the task to tell you the name of your unit which will be ToJiKa for that matter. Other than that I am to announce one of you as the leader. He will have to take responsibility for the group’s matters and will also act as a spokesperson. We decided that you, Yamashita-san should take on this very important task from now on.” Without hesitation Yamapi nodded: “Thank you for your trust.” “Good, good. Are there any other questions?” He was mostly looking into Kame’s direction but also Jin’s. Yamapi sighed one more time and answered: “No, thank you.”
“Alright that would be all. You are dismissed.” The moment those words were said, Jin was out the door.

Actually Kame hadn’t expected anything else from Jin, not with Yamapi in the same room. He was probably the only one who could control Jin and talk sense into him when he definitely needed it.
He left the room shortly after Yamapi. He wanted to thank the older boy for stepping in before Jin could have done anything reckless.
“Hey, Yamapi, wait up,” he called and Yamashita stopped. “What do you want?” Pi asked and Kame couldn’t really read his face.
“I’m just.. I just wanted to thank you for what you did just now.”
“Don’t make the mistake and believe I did it for you, Kamenashi. I did it for Jin’s sake and for his only.” Kame was taken aback by Yamashita’s harsh words and the cold tone he used to make his point.
“Well, I’m still glad you did it for his sake”, Kame mumbled.
“If that’s all,”, Yamashita said and left.  Kame stood there for a moment all dressed up and with nowhere to go, when Miyano came out of the room.
He must have looked pretty pathetic judging the pitiful look Miyano gave him. “Do you have any plans right now?” his manager asked Kame who just shook his head.
“Well, I’d like to take you out for dinner then.”
Since he had nothing to lose, Kame accepted the invitation.

r: pg-13, fanfic, p: akame

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