Fic: Five Times Lian Couldn’t Wait to Grow Up and One Time She Didn’t Mind Waiting

Oct 09, 2009 21:16

Title Five Times Lian Couldn’t Wait to Grow Up and One Time She Didn’t Mind Waiting
Author cero_ate
Recipient smgriffin
Prompt One day, she's gonna save the world.
Word Count 811
Characters: Lian Harper, Roy Harper, Dinah Lance, mention of var. others
Warnings, if including any non-con/dub-con/etc. Sugary cuteness?
Summary One day she’s gonna save the world. Today is not that day.

“Get up!” Dad ordered her and she yawned and snuggled back into the covers, grumbling when Daddy stole her comforter and tickled her feet. She was sleepy. She’d been up late last night, listening for Dad to get in from his patrol. She knew she wasn’t supposed to stay up, but she did anyway. Someday she’d be the one out on patrol and saving the world. Then she’d steal Dad’s covers in the morning instead of him stealing hers. Then she'd make him get up, brush his teeth, eat breakfast, and get dressed.

“Are you getting on not?” the bus driver asked grouchily. She didn’t like the bus driver. He smelled bad. He smelled like really old sweat when Daddy got home from a trip with the Titans and hadn’t showered in a week. It was really gross and he didn’t drive good either. He went slow around the corners and over the bumps in the road so you didn’t even get a good bounce even in the back. Someday she’d be a hero and she could ride on top of the bus like Dad did. But for now, she boarded the bus and had to sit up closer to the front because the big kids didn’t let the little kids sit in the back. It wasn’t fair.

“Lian Harper, stop day dreaming!” her teacher ordered. It wasn’t her fault the teacher was boring. She was just going over math anyway. She wouldn’t need math when she was a hero. She’d just make her Robin do all the math parts. That’s what having a Robin was good for. They were always really good at the math and the science stuff, even if science was more interesting than math. Nothing was more boring than math, really. Except maybe spelling words, but those she knew she’d need. You had to be able to spell so you could write up reports and explain why you picked up the bad guy and tied him to a lamp post for the cops to find.

“Lian Harper! We do not hit people!” the play ground monitor grabbed her by the wrist and lead her to the principal’s office. Jeremy had been bullying Kara. He so deserved the punch Lian had given him. Deserved more than that but Lian knew she really wasn’t allowed to use what Aunt Dinah had been teaching her at school. That would make Dad really really angry and probably get her grounded. Someday though? She would get awards for making people not be bullies. She really hated bullies a lot. They were stupid and mean and Kara was timid and smart and she really didn’t deserve to have people picking on her just ‘cause she was smart and timid. And Jeremy was a big fat bully who deserved to be punched. Well, technically he wasn’t fat, but he was still a big bully though. And now they were going to call her daddy and make him come get her and probably suspend her. She didn’t care about that part, though. It was her job to protect the weak, even if Dad said it wasn’t time for her to do that yet. But…she didn’t think it was something she could stop. It wasn’t like heroes just woke up one day and decided they had to defend the weak. Maybe Bats did, but she was an Arrow.

“Lian! Get away from the stove and go set the table,” Aunt Dinah ordered tersely, one hand stirring their chili and the other on the phone. Aunt Dinah was probably talking to Oracle or the JLA and planning another trip to go somewhere neat and fight the bad guys. Someday she was going to be a Titan and she would go on trips all around the world, and speak as many languages as Aunt Dinah. She’d get to bring home souvenirs and have all sorts of stories to tell. She’d fly and Iris would run and they’d just go everywhere and fight ninjas and pirates and monsters and then Dad would have to wait at home and worry. She couldn’t wait for that to happen. She’d be the leader of the Titans too!

“Time for bed, pumpkin,” Dad ordered and she went off to put her pjs on, and brush her teeth and wash her face just like she was supposed to. Someday she’d be the one off saving the world, and doing things even better than Dad did, with her own team, and her own costume. She’d have her own weapons, and her own name too. But right now? With Dad tucking her in, and them reading stories together, she was pretty much content to just be Lian Harper, daughter of the very first Speedy, the former Arsenal and now Red Arrow, Roy Harper. Right now, she was just her Dad’s little girl and that was plenty.

character: dinah lance, genre: gen, verse: dcu, round: 2009, character: lian harper

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