Summary: Valkyrie has been asked by the Lady Tigra to teach the young women of the Avengers Academy how to do battle. She is determined to prepare them for more than that. Takes place is Avengers Academy issue #3, last lines taken directly from there.
Prompt: Marvel Comics, Valkyrie and the female members of Avengers Academy, how men will disappoint you.
Valkyries are sworn to chastity, and men whom they take as their champions and who then spurn them have rarely met good ends.
Samantha is more than aware of this, and she is enthusiastic to teach the ladies of Avengers Academy why this should be so.
Because the ladies here were young and trusting, and she would not allow them to be too harshly burned.
“Men try to tell you that they are absolutely necessary to your life,” Valkyrie said, waving her tankard of mead. “This is an utter falsehood.”
Jennifer scowled, crossing her arms. What did she know? She didn’t have to keep herself constantly locked into this suit. She didn’t have to live with the fact that she’d killed her boyfriend. She didn’t have to live with the fact that she couldn’t touch anyone, ever. Valkyrie was a beautiful and powerful warrior of Asgard and could drink the freaking tankard of mead in front of her, unlike Jennifer. What problems did she have?
“The first and foremost duty of a female warrior is to crack your own skulls and earn your own skills. Men will attempt to pretend that you are a lesser warrior for your sex, so you cannot afford to rely on other people as they do, and you will become stronger for it, strong enough that you will be acknowledged as the greater warrior of them all…at least as long as the males hold on to their wisdom.”
Valkyrie sneered as she poured herself a fresh tankard of mead. “Many of my sisters have taken champions, whom inevitably fall in their esteem and earn their own doom and the Valkyries’ fury. We are Asgard’s final defense and the ones who escort worthy warriors to Valhalla. One would think that they would be wise enough not to anger us.”
Jeanne nodded, leaning on the counter. Valkyrie was a fearsome warrior, and anything she knew might help Jeanne make herself a better fighter. And honestly, it was fun listening to someone who would value women ahead of men, unlike the majority of people in the world, and having that person acknowledged as a great warrior capable of teaching heroes.
“But the men chosen as champions fall because of a critical flaw all men have,” Valkyrie continued, scowling into her mug. “They believe that they are entitled to the affection and faith that women give them. That it is not a gift that they must earn to keep, but something that they deserve for being given life- by a woman.”
Madeline scowled. That sounded like that asshole Brandon. Acting as if he was the best even though everyone knew that Jeanne could kick his ass in a fair fight, and constantly going on about his career as if the rest of them were holding him back. Her powers were totally more awesome than his.
“Men claim that they are better suited to rule. They have claimed many falsehoods about the female body to enforce their domination, ignoring every woman who speaks and claiming any excuse to force them from the spotlight. They will kill women for exercising their appetites while applauding men for doing the same. They will make the only part of a woman they value into an insult in order to make women feel as though as they are utterly lesser. They will dismiss you and devalue you and harm you in order to make you long for their approval, make them feel superior, and allow them to do whatever they will without fearing your wrath.”
Valkyrie took a swig of mead and began talking again.
“Sleeping Beauty. Bridal magazines. “The Bachelor.” All oppressive tools of the patriarchy indoctrinating us to believe we need men to complete our lives.” The disgust in Valkyrie’s voice was incredible. “The truth, sisters, is that men will inevitably disappoint you. Intellectually, on the battlefield, and most of all…in the bedchamber.”
Jennifer felt her face heat up.
“Many of the Valkyrior embrace a vow of chastity. It does wonders for focusing a warrior’s mind on what’s truly important: cleaving skulls.” Valkyrie leaned conspiratorially over the counter. But I recognize that it can be difficult, especially for youths, to ignore the natural healthy appetites of the female body. I am pleased to report one need not to turn to a male for satisfaction in this area. Mortal craftsmen have devised-“
Something from Lady Tigra’s tone told Samantha that she would not be continuing this lesson.