Fic: Graduation (Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, PG-13)

Oct 12, 2012 22:01

Author: fickery
Title: Graduation
Fandom: Smallville
Characters/Pairing: Chloe Sullivan-Queen/Oliver Queen; Bruce Wayne, Martha Kent
Summary: Chloe’s juggling a lot of priorities lately, but sometimes Oliver gets nostalgic for old times
Spoilers: Through Finale
Rating: PG-13

Prompt by svgurl: Smallville, Chloe Sullivan: not a sidekick anymore

( Before Gotham, she’d flown to DC to meet with Martha Kent. The junior senator from Kansas had managed to carve time out of her busy schedule of promoting key legislation and planning her re-election bid to meet with her.  )

genre: het, pairing: chloe/oliver, round: 2012, verse: smallville, character: chloe sullivan

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