Broken Mirrors by flyingharmony: Harry Potter

Jun 23, 2015 06:41

Title: Broken Mirrors
Fandom: Harry Potter

Story by: flyingharmony
Art by: raktajinos

Female Character of Focus: Druella Black
Pairing/Other Characters: Druella/Cygnus, mentions of Andromeda and Narcissa

Rating: R
Big Bang Size: Mini
Warnings: Major and minor character death, memories of abuse by a parent (verbal, physical, implied sexual), severe depression, PTSD, miscarriage, suicide, referenced alcoholism, lots of angst, VERY DARK FIC
Summary: Druella has never feared death, and still it takes nearly everything from her.

Link to Story: on AO3
Link to Art:: on AO3

round three, bang size: mini, fandom: harry potter, creator: raktajinos, #fic, creator: flyingharmony

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